CampS: Editing Your Emergency Contacts (Students)

Last Updated

With CampS, you can now edit most of your personal information by yourself. This document will help you edit your emergency contact information.

Adding/Editing Emergency Contacts

  1. Access Campus Personal Information.
  2. Select Emergency Contacts.
    The Emergency Contacts web page appears with a list of current information.
  3. Click the plus sign to add a new contact.
  4. The Emergency Contact Detail web page appears. 
  5. In the Contact Name text box, type the name of your emergency contact.
  6. From the Relationship pull-down menu, select the relationship you have with your contact.
    EXAMPLE: The new contact is your mother. Select Parent. 
  7. Add the Primary Phone Number 
  8. Click Save

Editing an Existing Emergency Contact

  1. Select the row of the contact you would like to change. The Emergency Contact Detail web page appears.

  2. Using the text boxes and pull-down menus, edit the desired information.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting an Emergency Contact

  1. Follow the editing contact instructions above. When the edit window opens select Delete from the bottom of the window.
  2. Verify you want to do this by selecting Yes when prompted.