Policies: Housing & Residence Life Posting
Last Updated
Distribution & Approval
Any UWEC campus student organization not directly affiliated with Housing and Residence Life must have all posters approved through the Assistant Director for Leadership and Education, Dani Chepil at olsond@uwec.edu.
Posting requests must be received at least 3 business days prior to the date the poster/flyer needs to be displayed in the residence halls.
You may submit a jpeg or pdf directly for approval via email. Once approved, physical prints or copies of materials may be delivered to the Housing Office. Non-Housing organizations are limited to 1 poster/flyer per hall lobby (15 total copies) and may inquire about digital displays. The Think Tank staff will ensure proper and timely distribution of all materials.
Posting requests must be received at least 3 business days prior to the date the poster/flyer needs to be displayed in the residence halls.
You may submit a jpeg or pdf directly for approval via email. Once approved, physical prints or copies of materials may be delivered to the Housing Office. Non-Housing organizations are limited to 1 poster/flyer per hall lobby (15 total copies) and may inquire about digital displays. The Think Tank staff will ensure proper and timely distribution of all materials.
- Community businesses, clubs, or organizations not affiliated with UWEC campus departments/offices or Housing organizations are limited to 1 poster/flyer per hall lobby (15 total copies), should they be approved for distribution through the Assistant Director for Leadership and Education, Dani Olson at olsond@uwec.edu Posting requests must be received at least 5 business days prior to the date the poster/flyer needs to be displayed in the residence halls. You may submit a jpeg or pdf directly for approval via email.
- UWEC campus departments and offices will be considered for distributions of up to 1 per RA + 1 per lobby (139 copies) and may inquire about digital displays. Designs will need to be approved for distribution through the Assistant Director for Leadership and Education, Dani Olson at olsond@uwec.edu. Posting requests must be received 5 business days prior to the date the poster/flyer needs to be displayed in the residence halls. You may submit a jpeg or pdf directly for approval via email. Poster must not be printed larger than 11 x 17.
NOTE: Approval is not guaranteed. The life of the poster is 1 full week (7 weekdays) from the date of posting.
Hand Outs at Front Desks
All requests to have hand outs placed at the Front Desks must be approved through the Residence Hall Association (RHA) at a General Assembly meeting approximately 2 full weeks prior to distribution needs – this allows for the review and voting process. Please email RHA@uwec.edu to arrange a date for your organization to present the materials to the General Assembly. At the time of presentation, you will need to provide an exact copy of what you intend to distribute to present to the group. All suggestions or requests for changes must be honored by the publishing group.
Please note:
Please note:
- Changes are not to be made after RHA’s approval.
- Materials should be delivered to the Housing and Residence Life Office to ensure proper and timely distribution of all materials. Hand outs must be counted in stacks for each of the halls upon dropping them off at the Housing Office.
- Approximately 25 copies will be allowed at each desk.
- Please drop off all materials at least 3 business days prior to the date you intend for them to be distributed.
- Please see the individual Hall Director if you are interested in posting ONE sign in a specific building.
- To conserve paper, we ask you consider digital options for your publicity.
Media Releases
For local news releases, social media releases, and UWEC Calendar of Events: Contact the Integrated Marketing and Communications Department at imc@uwec.edu or stop in the Vicki Lord Larson Hall 2150.
For an ad on TV-10, please e-mail your information on one PowerPoint slide to tv10@uwec.edu.