Once I Click on “Propose New Course” I Can No Longer See the Landing/Home Page.
When you click on “Propose New Course”, the form will open in a new browser window. To access the main CIM site, where you can search for courses, please click on your browser to go back to the CIM main page to search for courses.
Why am I Not Able to Add my Whole Course Title to the Transcript Title Field?
Due to the transcript's formatting, your course transcript is limited to 17 characters.
Why am I Not Able to Submit my Form?
Make sure that you have filled out all red highlighted fields. If you have not done this, you will receive an error like this for all fields that you will need to fill in:
I Marked ‘Yes’ to the ‘Special Course Fees?’ Field When Filling Out my CIM Form for the Course. What do I Need to do Next?
You will need to fill out the special course fee form. The special course fee form can be accessed via BP Logix E-Form under “Special Course/Program Fees” called “Special Course/Program Fee Form”.
What do I Fill Out for the Question About if This Class is Hybrid Versus Online?
You do not need to mark choices for this question, since this question is not required. If you accidentally mark an answer for this question, you will be able to unmark it by clicking on the checkbox again.
NOTE: This question refers to how the permanent course is delivered. It does not apply to a course that is temporarily offered in an online or hybrid mode during a specific session such as winterim or summer. In online courses, 100% of the instruction occurs in an online environment. Hybrid courses are those where more than 25% but less than 100% of the course is delivered online in lieu of on-campus meetings. In web-enhanced courses, all instruction occurs in a face-to-face environment and technology is used to enhance instruction.
How do I Know Where my Form Is in the Process?
You would be able to find where your form is in the process by going to https://nextcatalog.uwec.edu/courseadmin. Once you get there, search for your course and click on the course. Your course will have a workflow on the right-hand side that you can view that looks like this:
What if Someone in the Workflow Leaves and We Need Them to Approve the Form?
Contact catalog@uwec.edu with the name of the replacement for that step. We will then be able to change the permissions for that step in the workflow. Once that change is made, the replacement will be able to approve the proposal in the workflow.
I See That the Course Update Dates at the Bottom of the Form Are Overdue. How Can I Make Sure That They Are Revised?
Follow the colleges' instructions for filing a course update. Questions about the Course Update process should be directed to the Dean's office of your college.
What Will This System do That We Were Not Able to do Before With Our Process?
Changes and a revision history for each course and updates that you put in for our courses will be reflected over time and you will then be able to see a history of the revisions.
Revisions are very easy to see with red/green markups.
The workflows are automated--no more losing a Course Master in the mail or not knowing if it will be approved!
I Was Trying to Look at What I Attached to the CIM Form and I am Not Able to Open the Attachment. Is There Any Way to Review the Attachment Prior to Submitting the Form/Starting the Workflow?
To view attachments within the CIM Course Form click the "Save Changes" button on the bottom of the page and then click on the file name.
Are There Easier Ways to Search for Courses With a Certain Status or by College?
I am Not Sure What I Need to Put in the Form to Meet the Requirements of my College. Can You Help Me?
To understand the academic side of what you need to submit, please refer to your Associate Dean.
I am Getting an Error When I Try to Log Into the Form: “Error: Stale Request”. What do I do to Get Rid of This Error?
When you get this error, please type in the CIM website address: https://nextcatalog.uwec.edu/courseadmin/, and log in. If this solution does not work, please open another browser and log in.