UWEC 1115: Project Evaluation

Last Updated

Practice Directive # | UWEC 1115
Division | Finance and Administration
Department | Facilities
Contact | Deputy Chief Facilities Officer | facmgt68@uwec.edu
Effective Date | October 1, 2021
Revision Date | January 24, 2023


State of Wisconsin | Statute 13.48, Long-range public building program; Statute 13.48(29), Simplified Policies and Procedures for Construction Projects; Statute 16.85(12), Engineering; Statute 20.924, Building Program Execution; Statute 36.09(1)(f), Responsibilities; Statute 36.09(2)(a), Responsibilities; Statute 36.09(3)(a), Responsibilities; Statute 36.11(1)(a), Powers and duties of the board of regents; Statute 36.11(1)(b), Powers and duties of the board of regents; Statute 36.29(7), Gifts, golf course; State of Wisconsin Building Commission Policy and Procedure Manual, chapter IV, sections D-F

UW System | 20-21, University Personnel Systems; RPD 19-4, Delegation of Authority for Small Project Requests; RPD 19-8, Funding of University Facilities Capital Costs; RPD 19-12, Oversight of Facilities Constructed for University Purposes; RPD 19-15, Physical Development Principles; RPD 19-16, Building Program Planning and Approval; 21-8, Policy on the Annual Distribution of Tuition and Fee Revenue and State General Purpose Revenue


The purpose of this practice directive is to comply with Regent and State policies, in addition to describing the campus procedures that support their compliance. This practice directive seeks to optimize University spaces and facilities by implementing a comprehensive planning and management system, and govern its decision processes.


All space additions, changes or enhancements must be reviewed for need and alignment with the campus master plan, university and academic strategic plans, and the financial plan. Space is a campus resource to be utilized and optimized to best meet the overall mission of the university; space is not the permanent property of a particular program, unit, department, college or division. All space planning must consider the campus eco-system and the impacts that any additions, changes or enhancements may have on other programs and ongoing maintenance.

Space Planning Principles

  • Follow UW System guidelines for types of offices and square foot per occupant
  • Minimize financial impact, rethink and optimize existing spaces before requesting remodeling
  • Follow sustainability goals
  • Encourage workplace wellness, provide collaborative and flexible spaces with shared/schedulable quiet spaces. Construction of walls will be limited, only used when all other alternatives have been explored.
  • When moves are required, furniture shall remain in its current location to the extent possible. Workstation chair and boxed materials will move with occupants.
  • All conference rooms and break rooms shall be shared resources. Conference rooms shall be schedulable through Outlook.


UWEC 1115.A, Requesting Project Evaluation for a Space Reallocation or Renovation