(Legacy) Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro: Page Thumbnail Basics

Last Updated

Note: This article is based on legacy software.

Acrobat features page thumbnails, which are miniature portraits of pages in a document. With page thumbnails, you can quickly navigate to a selected page and adjust the view of the page.

Viewing Page Thumbnails

Page thumbnails can be viewed when you click the Pages tab in the Navigation pane. For large documents, generating the thumbnails can take several seconds. Once page thumbnails are loaded, you are able to toggle between reduced or enlarged page thumbnails.

  1. From the Navigation pane, click Pages. pages
    NOTE: This action toggles between hiding and displaying the Pages pane.

  2. To change the size of the thumbnails, from the Options pull-down list options select Reduce Page Thumbnails or Enlarge Page Thumbnails as desired.

Embedding Page Thumbnails

You can embed page thumbnails into a document so that they do not need to be redrawn every time the Pages pane is opened.
NOTE: Embedding page thumbnails uses approximately 3 kilobytes of space per page thumbnail.

  1. From the Navigation pane, click Pages. pages
    NOTE: This action toggles between hiding and displaying the Pages pane.

  2. From the Options pull-down list options select Embed All Page Thumbnails.

Removing Embedded Page Thumbnails

Removing the embedded thumbnails reduces the file size of the document.

  1. From the Navigation pane, click Pages. pages
    NOTE: This action toggles between hiding and displaying the Pages pane.

  2. From the Options pull-down list options select Remove Embedded Page Thumbnails.
    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  3. Click OK.
    All of the embedded page thumbnails are now removed.