Policies: Campus Crime Statistics

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Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act

UW-Eau Claire Annual Security Report and Policy Statement

Reports of criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on the campus of UW-Eau Claire shall be made to the University Police. The University Police shall respond in accordance with established law enforcement procedures.

General access to and use of the facilities at UW-Eau Claire is governed by Chapters UWS 18 & 21, Wisconsin Administrative Code and institutional policies on file in the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Administration, Finance and Facilities, the Director of University Centers, and the Director of Housing and Residence Life. Security is provided in the maintenance of the university’s facilities through a number of mechanisms, including limitations on hours of operation, policies on building key authorization, restricting access to those bearing proper identification as university staff or students, the provision of adequate lighting, and making available telephone call services for emergency assistance.

Specific security may vary with the type of university facility. Foot, bike, and vehicular patrol by the University Police provide twenty-four-hour services to the campus during the year. The University Centers, including the W.R. Davies Center, the Hilltop Center, and Crest Wellness Center have supervisory staff on duty during the times they are utilized by students or the public.

University residence halls are staffed by full-time hall directors and student resident assistants living on each floor. Access to university residence halls is limited by use of card access security. Each student’s room is equipped with Unicam punch lock or electronic security lock systems, and one-way security viewing, and residents are provided information and instruction on university rules, regulations, and policies that are intended to provide for their safety. Door alarms are utilized to secure closed areas of the residence halls during appropriate hours.

The University Police, in partnership with Housing and Residence Life Office, at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire provides the SafeWalk/SafeRide service for students, faculty, and staff. This service is offered 7 nights a week during the regular school semesters. Contact Safe Ride/Safe Walk at 715-836-3333


In accordance with s. 36.11(2), Wisconsin Statutes, the University Police at UW-Eau Claire are staffed by peace officers who meet the standards of the Wisconsin law enforcement standards board and have the power to arrest and bring before the courts persons violating the law on university property. The university’s peace officers cooperate with local police authorities in the exercise of their responsibilities. It is the policy of the University Police to encourage accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the University Police, or the appropriate local police authorities.

UW-Eau Claire provides information to students and employees about campus security procedures and practices, encourages them to be responsible for their own security and the security of others, and informs them about the prevention of others, and informs them about the prevention of crimes. The university conducts in-service programs with students and employees regarding crime prevention, safety, and sexual assault issues. It provides written information through the Student Services and Standards Handbook along with the publication “Your Right to Know” on sexual assault, crime statistics from the City of Eau Claire and sexual assaults reported to university officials in the previous year in accordance with UWS Act 177. In addition, the University utilizes public forums, the new student orientation program, the campus and local media, annual reports and news releases from the University Police and the Eau Claire Police Department to provide additional information and to address issues of safety and crime awareness.

UW-Eau Claire cooperates with local police authorities to monitor and record information concerning criminal activity representing a hazard to university students occurring away from the campus. Statistics concerning the occurrence of crime on campus during the most recent school year as reported under the Campus Security Act format are available at https://www.uwec.edu/police/. At UW-Eau Claire, training sessions are provided for faculty and students who make frequent presentations in residence halls to student organizations and in classes to promote an increased awareness of rape, acquaintance rape and other sex offenses. Counseling Services and Student Health Service staff members conduct outreach programs with University students, faculty and staff to make individuals aware of resources, treatment, additional sources of referral and follow-up services available to both prevent and deal with sex offenses. The Center for Awareness of Sexual Assault (CASA) provides professional advocacy services and a 24-hour crisis hotline maintained by volunteers. Victims can request an advocate for them at the hospital and police department as well as through the legal process. The office telephone number is 715-836-HELP (715-836-4357) and is located in Hibbard Hall, Room 311C. CASA (Victim Services Director) provides training to first responders. The community-based Bolton Refuge House also provides programs in classes to students dealing with the issues of relationship violence and sex offenses.

The University will aggressively prosecute perpetrators who engage in sex offenses, utilizing law enforcement agencies and established University procedures. The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Student Disciplinary Procedures (University of Wisconsin System - Chapter UWS 17) provides specific authority for the University to discipline students who engage in conduct which constitutes a danger to the personal safety of others. Section 17.06(1) authorizes disciplinary action against a student “for intentional conduct which constitutes a serious danger to the personal safety of other members of the University community or guests.” Disciplinary sanctions under this provision would include actions affecting the status of the student including probation, suspension or expulsion. A full description of these procedures is available on request from the Dean of Students Office and on-line: Blugold Student Conduct Code.

The accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a campus disciplinary proceeding and both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding alleging a sexual assault. Students are encouraged to notify the University Police (911) or the Eau Claire Police Department (911) if they are the victim of any sexual offense. Whether or not the student decides to press charges, reporting the event will ensure that evidence is preserved should you decide to press charges later. It may also prevent the attacker from victimizing others. You may also contact the agencies and individuals listed in the index under Emergency Contacts for assistance if you have been sexually assaulted. Additional assistance is available in the Dean of Students Office. Assistance could include providing alternate living locations in residence halls, alternate enrollments in courses and academic arrangements, and assistance in obtaining “No-contact” or “Restraining Orders.”

The possession, use, and sale of alcohol and illegal drugs are regulated at UW-Eau Claire in accordance with the Drug Free Schools Act, the Drug Free Workplace Act, applicable provisions of state and federal law, and Chapter UWS 18, Wisconsin Administrative Code. The University Police enforce violations of underage drinking laws, and other violations of state and federal laws regulating the possession, use and sale of alcohol and illegal drugs. In addition, UW-Eau Claire provides counseling and referral services for students and faculty dealing with alcohol and drug abuse concerns. A variety of community and county resources are also available to assist individuals who need help in this area. Additional information can be obtained by calling Counseling Service, 715-836-5521. Confidential employee assistance is available by contacting the same number.

Employees who have problems with alcohol or controlled sub-stances are encouraged to contact their Employee Assistance Program (EAP) coordinator for referral to counseling or treatment programs. Voluntary contacts with the EAP program are confidential. The UW-Eau Claire EAP program can be found by calling 715-836-3131.