ARCC: Complete your Profile in Handshake

Last Updated

This article gives a step-by-step explanation on how to drive your profile to completion on Handshake.

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your UWEC credentials.
  3. Click your name on the top right of the screen and select My Profile.

  4. Look to the left of the screen to view your “Profile Level” bar. This indicates areas of your profile could be improved, allowing employers to effectively find you and contact you with opportunities that fit your interests.

  5. You can drive up your level of profile completion by filling out all areas of your profile:
    1.  Education: Your current school and major are pulled automatically and updated weekly. Add other degrees you have received, details such as dates of attendance, your minor, or your GPA (which can be hidden from employers if you wish to include it).

    2. Work & Volunteer Experience: Prior work and volunteer information can be uploaded automatically from any resume you add to Handshake documents, or you can enter any experiences manually. This is a great section to add keywords, detailed accomplishment statements, and showcase the transferable skills you gained from positions you have held.
    3. Organizations/Extracurriculars: Add information about clubs or organization work including details about the time you participated in the activities, any leadership positions you held, and the location. It is appropriate to add accomplishment statements in this section, and provide information about the tasks and skills you gained from the experience.

    4. Skills, Documents, Courses, Projects: These skills will also be pulled from your uploaded resume. We recommend adding 5-7 skills. Include 3-5 relevant courses you’ve taken and one or two projects you completed, such as a research paper, capstone project, or faculty-led research.  Be sure to get permission from faculty before publishing any details about a research experience.
    5. Profile Picture: Upload a picture of yourself to complete your professional image on your profile. Free high-quality profile photos are offered by UW-Eau Claire each semester. A photo of you alone (non-"selfie") with a plain background is perfectly acceptable.
    6. My Journey: Include a “mini-cover letter” here explaining who you are and your career aspirations. This is a great spot to tell more about your “career story” and professional self including skill keywords.

Additional information from Handshake on your Profile located here:
If you need further assistance, make an appointment with a career counselor via Handshake or contact the Advising, Retention + Career Center at or 715-836-3487.