Travel: Hosting a Meal

Last Updated

Below are guidelines to follow when paying for a meal for another person or group of people as in accordance with Administrative Policy 435, Headquarter City & UW System Sponsored Event Policy


Before you leave to host a meal, remember to:
  • View the policies for UW System Sponsored Events.
    • Must be covering someone besides the payee
    • Must fall under a business functions under definition of University Sponsored Events 
  • Bring Payment: If you are taking your staff or guest to a restaurant for a meal during a business meeting, you can pay for the food with a US Bank Corporate Card or personal funds (P and PT cards are not allowed).
  • Bring your Tax Exemption Evidence: You are encouraged to take along a tax exemption card which explains the University's tax exempt status and helps to provide evidence and credibility when requesting tax exemption.
    • Contact your department or to obtain one.
    • The University of Wisconsin System Sales & Use Tax Exemption Certificate Tax Exemption Number.
  • Bring your ID: Bring your Blugold ID card in case the restaurant staff requests to see it.


While you are hosting a meal, remember to:
  • Spend within maximum rates: Hosted meals must be within the maximum rate per person for both within Wisconsin and all other locations (including international). The maximum rates include taxes and gratuity up to 20%.  
  • Pay with the correct means of purchase: Use your Corporate Card or personal funds (P and PT cards are not allowed).
  • Request tax exemption and show your tax exempt card. 
  • Do not purchase alcohol.
  • Request an itemized receipt; it should list each item ordered and payment method. This is required for reimbursement.


Apply for reimbursement by submitting an Expense Report following the guidelines provided by UW System Travel Reimbursement webpage.
  • List your expense type as Meals-Hosted
  • Attach an agenda
  • Attach a list of attendees' names
  • Attach all itemized receipts,
  • Justify why the meeting had to take place over a meal time
  • Sales tax in WI is not reimbursable 
  • Gratuity up to 20% is reimbursable

Visit the Travel page for more information.