Policies: Promotional Materials
Last Updated
Placement of posters shall be limited to designated areas only. Thumbtacks, not staples or tape, must be used to affix posters to campus bulletin boards. Signs may not be placed on interior or exterior walls, windows, outside doors, painted surfaces, or on glass doors. Posters or flyers may not be taped to sidewalks, light posts or telephone poles, and may not be placed on any vehicle on a public street or parking lot, per Eau Claire city ordinance. Posters will be removed due to the discretion of University staff if they do not abide by the Promotional Materials Policies.
Commercial enterprises or private agencies using UW-Eau Claire facilities on a rental basis are limited to one poster placed in Davies Center in addition to posters placed within their rented areas (selected locations only as instructed by the Facility Use Agreement).
Campus publicity will promote the responsible use of alcohol when alcohol is part of the event and is referenced in the event promotion.
All posters displayed on campus must meet all eligibility requirements.
Posters are limited to one posting, per event, per pillar or board in Davies Center. Poster size may not exceed 11 × 17 inches, to be conscious of space for other postings within Davies Center.
Posting Locations
Community Members
The Community Bulletin Boards (2) are located in the hallway outside of the Campus Harvest Food Pantry (Davies Center 103). Posters do not need to be approved in advance; however, if a poster violates University standards, they may be removed by University staff. Posters of excessive size or number will be removed, as will posters/flyers left on tables or newsstands.
University Centers
University Centers departments may approve their own posters and display them on the boards appropriately labeled within Davies Center.
* Six posters are allowed in designated Davies locations.
Recognized Student Organizations
- Recognized student organizations may display their own posters on the boards labeled "Student Organization Events" within Davies Center and "University Centers Events" in academic buildings.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Recognized student organizations MUST display "sponsored by" on all posters to include student organization name.
- Posters that do not display sponsorship information or any posters deemed inappropriate for display will be removed at the discretion of the Activities, Involvement and Leadership Office.
- Student organizations are responsible for distribution and removal of their own posters.
- Five posters are allowed in designated Davies locations: two on the first floor, two within the Student Involvement Center on the second floor, and one near the University Bookstore on the second floor.
University Departments
University departments may approve their own posters and display them on the boards labeled "University Events". This includes posters for events sponsored by units, offices or departments. Posters for activities sponsored by groups outside the University must have an endorsement of a University partner in order to be posted.
* Nine posters are allowed in designated Davies locations.
Approved Campus Posting Locations
- Davies Center - * Each constituency group listed above is designated a certain number of posters and locations. Please refer to the above.
- Nursing Building - First floor, right hallway - 2 boards opposite room 123
- McIntyre Library - East Entrance near Campus Mall
- Schofield Hall - Next to LTS ( 2 boards - next to room 115 and room 156A) and room 146B
- Hibbard Hall - First floor entry (2); and next to the following rooms: 180; 206; opposite 312; 701
- Centennial Hall - Lobby area by Einstein's; and next to the following rooms: 1415; 1917; 2614; and opposite the following rooms: 2904; 3614; 4105
- Schneider Hall - At front entry by vending area; and next to the following rooms: 107; 203; 316; 442
- Phillips Hall - Main bulletin board, in area near mural on first floor; and next to room 333
- Haas Fine Arts Center - Across from Foster Art Gallery
- Human Sciences and Services - By room 176
- Residence Halls - Please refer to Housing and Residence Life Posting policy for more information
- McPhee Center - Across from room 114, in hallway by back stairs
- Hilltop Center - Entrance facing Murray Hall and bottom of staircase leading up to Riverview Terrace
Table Top Advertising
Previously Table Tents
W.R Davies Student Center
W.R. Davies Student Center offers space for student organizations, University Departments and third party sponsors to reserve space for table top advertising to promote their events or services.
Please contact Event Services to confirm and reserve table tent advertising dates. All organizations must abide by the following guidelines:
- Space for table advertisements can be reserved for a maximum of 14 consecutive days.
- A finished table advertisement must be provided to UWEC Event Services (Davies Center 240) at least 72 hours prior to the first reservation date. Event Services will be responsible for placing table advertisements by the first reserved date and will remove following the last reserved date.
- If ordered through Printing Services, you can set delivery to Event Services.
- All table advertisements should be 4”x 5.75” (vertical orientation) and can be printed double sided. Printed design will be placed in a free-standing clear plastic sign holder of the same size on each appropriate table.
- Event Services will remove table advertisements that haven't been appropriately reserved or designed according to guidelines.
- No overlap in reservations.
Davies Marketplace (1st Floor) Tables: 146 (29 booths, 27 high tops, 90 rounds).
- This includes all 1st floor tables and booths between the US Bank Doors and the doors outside of Dulany.
Davies Blugold Living Room (2nd Floor) Tables: 51 (47 tables, 4 booths).
- This includes all tables and booths in the carpeted living room area, as well as the short bistros along walkway.
- Does not include tables within the lounges on either side of Living room.
Total= 197 Tables
Hilltop Center/Riverview Cafe
- Student Organizations and Departments may create and place table tents on the tables in Hilltop.
- This is reserved through Event Services.
- Allowed three consecutive dates at one time.
- Must print the approved dates on each table tent. If not printed, the table tents may be thrown away.
- 125 table tents are the maximum you are allowed to display at one time.
- Group/Organization is responsible for placing the Table Tents.
Digital Signage
The University Centers digital signage system in Davies Center displays event promotion created by recognized UW-Eau Claire student organizations, academic departments and administrative offices. Information on creating and submitting graphics can be found in the Digital Signage Policy article.
Outdoor Digital Signage
The University Centers outdoor digital signage displays outside the main entrances of the Davies Center for event promotion created by recognized UW-Eau Claire student organizations, academic departments, administrative offices and external partners. Information on creating and submitting graphics can be found in the Outdoor Digital Signage Policy article.
Lawn Signs
Signage on the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus is regulated by Facilities. This policy specifically refers to the temporary placement of lawn signs. For additional information, view the Lawn Signs policy.
Chalking to advertise events/programs is permitted under these conditions:
- That washable sidewalk chalk is used (no paints or aerosol-propelled substances);
- That chalking is on horizontal surfaces only (not vertical surfaces such as stairs, buildings or retaining walls); and
- That chalking is done in open, uncovered areas where the weather can remove the chalk naturally.
Chalking cannot interfere with another message that has already been chalked. Overwriting, erasing, defacing, or altering the chalking of another person or organization is prohibited. Individual students or student organizations that violate this policy will be referred to the Dean of Students office or the Student Organizations Code of Conduct Committee.
Chalking around residence halls is not allowed during the move-in process.
Questions or appeals concerning these policies should be directed to the Director of University Centers.