IEP: Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct

Last Updated

Non-Academic Misconduct

An agreement on classroom behavior will be created and signed by all students in all ESL classes. Common things each class will agree on include: being on time for class, coming prepared for class, not using cell phones for non-class purposes, taking turns and being respectful of classmates and instructors, following directions, and using English only in the classroom. If students break the conduct agreement the following steps will be taken:

  1. After one infraction, the instructor will speak with the student individually.

  2. After a second infraction, the instructor will give the student a written warning and refer the student to the ESL Coordinator and IEP manager.

  3. After the third infraction, the instructor will refer the student to the Dean of Students Office.

Instructors will carefully document each incident should evidence be needed for the Dean of Students Office.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct (including copying other students' work or plagiarizing or submitting others' work as your own) in any course as a serious offense in the United States. All students will receive instruction on what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. The ESL program will follow the UW-EC Blugold Code academic misconduct policies.
The ESL Coordinator will also be brought in to witness the case and will keep a record of the case in the student's file for the future.
Where academic misconduct is determined to have happened the following sanctions are possible under the Blugold Code:

Level One:

  1. An oral reprimand;

  2. A written reprimand presented only to the student;

  3. An assignment to repeat the work, to be graded on its merits;

Level Two:

  1. A lower or failing grade on the particular assignment or test;

  2. A lower grade in the course;

  3. A failing grade in the course;

Level Three:

  1. Removal of the student from the course in progress;

  2. A written reprimand to be included in the student’s disciplinary file.

  3. University disciplinary probation

  4. Suspension or expulsion