CampS: Navigation Tips Sheet (Administrative Support)

Last Updated

This page describes how to reach the information in CampS that will be useful to administrative support.
If you have any problems, please contact the LTS Help Desk by emailing them at or calling 715-836-5711.

*NOTES: Your security determines which navigational routes you will have access to.

Start at » Main Menu pull-down at the top of the page (or click Main Menu for a Search Menu box).
Campus Community » Personal Information » Biographical » (Choose topic)
Self-Service » Advisor Center » My Advisees » View Data for Other Students » (enter search info) » Student Center

  • Advisor | Records and Enrollment » Student Background Information » Student Advisor
  • Advisor Info | Self-Service » Advisor Center » My Advisees » View Data for Other Students » enter search info 
  • Careers | Records and Enrollment » Career and Program Information » Student Career
  • Checklists | Campus Community » Checklists
  • Class Permissions and Appointments | Records and Enrollment » Term Processing
  • Class Rosters | Curriculum Management » Class Roster
  • Class Schedule (maintenance, viewing, and printing) | Curriculum Management » Schedule of Classes
  • Class Schedule by Subject (condensed, including enrollment and special fees) | Self Service » (Term) Class Schedule by Subject
  • Class Schedule Validation | UW-Eau Claire » Queries
  • Classroom Search | Curriculum Management » Facility and Event Information » Search for a Facility
  • Classroom Usage | Curriculum Management » Facility and Event Information » Class Facility Usage
  • Course Catalog | Curriculum Management » Course Catalog
  • Course Combined Sections | Curriculum Management » Combined Sections
  • Combined Enrollment Requirements | Curriculum Management » Enrollment Requirements » Enrollment Requisite Summary
  • Cumulative Statistics (GPA and credits) | Records and Enrollment » Student Term Information » Term History, select the Cumulative Statistics tab 
  • Degrees, Degree Honors | Records and Enrollment » Graduation » Student Degrees
  • Drop/Add Activity by Class | UW-Eau Claire » Queries
  • Email Address | Campus Community » Personal Information » Biographical » Addresses/Phones » Electronic Addresses
  • Emergency Contacts | Campus Community » Personal Information » Biographical » Emergency Contacts
  • Enrollment Summary | Records and Enrollment » Enrollment Summaries » Enrollment Summary
  • External Education Data | Student Admissions » Application/Transcript Load » Education
  • Financial Aid Status | Financial Aid » View Financial Aid Status
  • Financial and Billing Information | Student Financials » View Customer Accounts
  • Holds (Service Indicators) | Campus Community » Service Indicators (Student)
  • Instructor Schedule | Curriculum Management » Instructor/Advisor Information » Instructor Schedule
  • Milestones (Competencies, Certificates, Notations) | Records and Enrollment » Enroll Students » Student Milestones
  • Names | Campus Community » Personal Information » Biographical » Names
  • Other Credits (Confirming Course Credit) | Records and Enrollment » Transfer Credit Evaluation » Other Credits- Manual
  • PAC (view individual) | UW-Eau Claire » Student Records » View Student's PAC Code
  • Phone Numbers | Campus Community » Personal Information » Biographical » Addresses/Phones » Phones
  • Program/Plan (Majors/minors) | Records and Enrollment » Career and Program Information » Student Program/Plan
  • Search/Match (used to find a "person" record based on search criteria) | Campus Community » Personal Information » Search/Match
  • Student Enrollment Appointment Time | Self Service » Advisor Center » select student from list or from View Data for Other Students » Enrollment Dates » Details » Choose Term » scroll past Shopping Cart Appointments
  • Term History (Courses, Credits, and Grades) | Records and Enrollment » Student Term Information
  • Test Summary (ACT, AP, CLEP, IB, SAT, PPST, TOEFL, WPT) | Records and Enrollment » Transfer Credit Evaluation » Academic Test Summary
  • Textbook Validation by ISBN or Subject | UW-Eau Claire » Queries
  • Transfer Courses and Credits | Records and Enrollment » Transfer Credit Evaluation » Course Credits Automated
  • User Defaults | Set up SACR » User Defaults
  • Withdrawal | Records and Enrollment » Student Term Information » Term History, select the Term Withdrawal tab