Technology: Add an Image to Your Event

Last Updated

Using images to accompany calendar posts will both improve the appearance of the posting and help to draw more attention from viewers of the calendar. The image you add will serve as a thumbnail in the list view of events and will appear in a larger size on the event page itself. If you do not select an image, the default image for your calendar group will appear with your post. We recommend uploading landscape oriented images, as all images in the calendar are set to small landscape size. We currently have only a square cropping tool, so the system may crop out words as the images on event posts and in the thumbnails are rectangular. The exact size for the thumbnail crop is 290 pixels wide by 220 pixels high. Any size image can be uploaded. 

Add a new image

  • Navigate to the Add a new event screen.
    1. For an event you've already created, click on the name of the event on the Your Events listing to get to the Edit an event screen.
  • To add a new image or edit an existing image:
    1. Click the image icon; or
    2. Click the "Add/ change images" link.
  • The Add/change images edit window will appear so you can manage the image associated with your event.
    1. Note: If you select more than one image to associate with your event only the first image listed will appear on your event listing and on all associated promos. This same image will also be used as the thumbnail for your event when viewing the list of all events on the Main Calendar.
  • Select an image to add to your event by:
    1. Uploading a new image; or
    2. Selecting a saved image.

Upload a new image:

  1. Click the blue "Upload Images" button in the bottom left corner.
  2. Navigate to the image you want to upload and attach to your event.
    1. Note: Images should be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format and no larger than 10MB.
  3. Click "Open" to confirm your image selection.
  4. In the details window that appears, you may edit or add content for the following fields: (Keep in mind that images taken from the UWEC photo library (Extensis) will typically have data attached that will fill in some of the fields automatically, such as description. You can change those in the field once the photo is uploaded.)
    1. Image name (auto-populated with the filename)
    2. Caption field: "Enter a caption for this image..."
    3. Photo credit field: "Enter a credit for this image..."
    4. Image keywords: "Enter a comma-separated list of keywords for this image..."
  5. Click the blue "Save this image" button to save your image and metadata updates.

Select a saved image:

  1. In the "Your image library" section, click once on an image so that it's highlighted in blue to attach it to your event.
    1. Images listed here include your previously saved images as well as images from the shared image gallery available to all users.
  2. You can also filter the images that are listed by keyword, date uploaded, or collection using the keyword field and "All images" dropdown that appear at the top of your list of images.
  • Click the blue "Save changes" button to confirm attaching the image to your event.
Add/change image icon
Add/change image screen

Add an Image to Your Image Collection

  1. Select the "Toolbox" option on the right side within the admin banner.
  2. Select "Images" from the menu.
  3. You will be taken to the Image Collections screen which lists your saved images along with all of those publicly available.
  4. Click "Your Images" in the top menu bar just underneath the admin banner to get to the All Images screen.
  5. There are three ways to add images:
    1. Bulk add images
    2. Add a new image
    3. Quick upload

Bulk Add Images:

  1. Click the blue "Bulk add images" at the top of the screen.
  2. A bulk upload window will appear. 
  3. In the "Name" field provide a default name for your images. Each image will have the same name followed by a number. For example, commencement-001 and commencement-002.
  4. Complete the optional image metadata fields.
    1. Keywords
    2. Caption
    3. Credit
    4. Tags
  5. Click the blue "Select images" button at the bottom of the window.
  6. Select the images from your computer you want to upload and click "Open."
  7. In the details window that appears, you may edit or add to your images' metadata.
  8. Click the blue "Save these images" button to save your images and metadata.

+ Add a New Image:

  1. Click the blue "+ Add a new image" button at the top of the screen.
  2. In the Add a new image screen that follows, complete the following fields:
    1. Image name (required)
    2. Upload an image file (required)
    3. Collection
    4. Tags
    5. Keywords
    6. Date (required)
    7. Caption
    8. Credit
    9. Location
  3. Only the actual image, an image name, and the date of image upload (which is automatically filled in for you) are required to upload an image. All other fields are optional.
  4. Click the "Save this image" button at the bottom of the screen when you're done.

Quick Upload:

  1. Drag and drop images from your computer to the bullseye icon on the right side of the page.
  2. In the details window that appears, you may edit or add image metadata for the following fields:
    1. Image name
    2. Caption field
    3. Photo credit
    4. Image keywords
  3. Click the blue "Save this image" button to save your image and metadata updates.