Technology: Adding a New Event on the Calendar

Last Updated

Before you start: An important note to keep in mind

Please use start times when they exist. Use "All Day Event" designation sparingly. Even if it is the full 8-4:00 timeline of a class day, please enter those times rather than using All Day, which stacks every All Day event at the top of the listing for a given day, pushing major items like a Chancellor Briefing or Blugold Breakfast way down in the list. 

Create a single event

  1. Create a new event:
    1. Click the blue "+ Add new" button towards the right side of the Your Events screen; or
    2. Click the yellow "+ New" button in the top right within the purple menu bar.
  2. Complete the required fields:
    1. Event Title
    2. Event Date
    3. Event Type
    4. Contact Email
  3. Complete the optional fields:
    1. Optional Fields
    2. Event Details
    3. Event RSVP
    4. Privacy Options
  4. When you have finished entering your event information, you can save and publish your event to the Events Calendar.
    1. Click the green "Save" button to save your event; or
    2. Click the green "Save and Go To Event" button to save your event and then view it as it appears on the calendar.

Event Title

  1. In the "Enter a title for this event" field provide a new title for your event.
  2. This field will remain red until it has been updated and your event cannot be saved until this has been completed.
  3. There is a limit of 115 characters for the title field. If you have a subtitle that does not fit, you may choose to add that to the Summary field.

Event Date

  1. In the Date and time section, click the "Event date" field to launch an interactive calendar. Select the start date for your event.
  2. To provide an optional start time for your event by click the "& time" field and select a time from the dropdown menu.
  3. To provide an optional end time for your event click the checkbox for "Add ending date & time" and complete the appropriate fields as you did for your event start information.
  4. Event date is required; this field will remain red until it has been updated and your event cannot be saved until this has been completed.

Online/Virtual events:

      *Be sure to also check the Online Event field just above the Event Type selector field.

Event Type

In the Event Type section on the right side are eight available categories to help classify your event for site visitors using the public calendar.
Use the checkbox next to each field to select the most appropriate type(s). 
Your event cannot be saved until you have selected at least one category for your event. Don't forget that you can further define your event using Tags. (tags explained below)

Contact Email

By default your Calendar Group's name will appear on the published event page, however, a contact email for the event is also required.
Your event cannot be saved if the "Contact Email" field is left blank.
In addition to the required "Contact Email" field, consider completing the optional "Contact information" field with any or all of the following details:
  1. Key event contact(s)
  2. Phone number
  3. Additional email addresses (Note: email addresses will automatically be linked for you, no need to make it a "mailto:" link)

Complete Optional Fields

Event Summary

In the "Add a short summary" field, provide a brief one-sentence summary for your event. While this field is not required by the software, we ask that you give at least a short summary which will appear below the title in the listing view of all events. The maximum number of characters for this field is set at 175 characters. Live links may not be added to this field. 

Event Image

We recommend using an image with your event (using mages will be explained fully in a later section of this guide).If you do not add an image, the default image selected for your group will appear on the event. Most of these are generic campus shots. The system saves the images you upload as a user as well as all images uploaded under your group, so adding an image should become even easier to do over time.  

Featured Event

If you'd like your event to be considered for the Upcoming Events section of the public calendar page, click the grey star in the "Featured event" field. To be included, your event must have an associated image.


While not required, we ask that you include a location when applicable, also indicating Virtual Event as it applies. The location function will provide attendees with a map of where your event is being held. You can also specify a room number by adding a coma and the room number directly in the field after the building name.


Tags are used to add important relevant identifiers to the event, as well as allowing sorting and filtering at a more granular level. However, the tags do appear on the event page as a means of showing viewers other upcoming events sharing any given tag, so it is important not to select all words that might apply, using that function to highlight the most overarching themes or associated campus initiatives. 

Add Event Details

We recommend that you add the basic details for your event to your post, and link directly to another site that contains your event information if one exists. 
  1. Event Description:
    1. While there is limited space available within the "Event Summary" field, you can provide additional information in the Event description section.
    2. Use the text editor with the available editing toolbar to include as many details about your event as possible. Things to consider including:
      1. Event participant names
      2. Sponsoring departments
      3. Whether an ID is required to attend
      4. Other notable elements describe the event. 
    3. In addition to the formatting options available in the editing toolbar you can also insert images, images, and externally hosted audio or video.
  2. Event Cost:
    1. While this field is optional, if your event is free we suggest including that detail. This is also the best place to add any registration information, deadline, or links. 
    2. Select the "Other" field and use the text box that appears to outline cost and inset link to tickets, such as 
  3. Related Content:
    1. In this section you can include any related material or link to related websites.
  4. Add Event Link:
    1. If your event is being managed through another site, you can link to an external URL. Click the option to "link to another site for event information."
    2. In the Event link category enter your external event URL in the "URL for event" field. Your external URL will be validated when you save your event data.

Add an RSVP Option

RSVP: The Events Calendar includes a basic RSVP feature you can turn on to capture attendee information prior to your event, limit the number of attendees, and track responses. This is further explained under the Managing events section of this guide.

Set Sharing & Privacy Options

  1. Privacy Options: By default, all events are visible to the public. Most events will be left on this setting.
  2. Sharing: You may select other calendar groups that might be interested in including your event on their group calendar, which would require approval by that group.