CampS: Attendance Tracking Submission (Faculty/Staff)
Last Updated
After the first week of classes in the Fall and Spring semesters, all faculty will need to identify students who have not yet attended class. After the fourth week, faculty will identify students who have stopped attending and provide a last date of attendance.
Recording Attendance
- Log on to MyBlugold CampS using your regular username and password.
- From the top menu bar, click Main Menu.
- Click Self Service.
- Click Faculty Center.
- Choose the My Schedule menu option to grade the desired class.
- Change the term to navigate to the correct term if necessary.
NOTE: The system simply remembers the last term you've viewed.
Your personalized Faculty Center page will appear, along with your teaching schedule for the current semester.
- Click the Class Roster.
- In the Display Options box, from the Enrollment Status pull-down menu, make sure the Enrolled status is defaulted.
Enrollment Status defaults to Enrolled.

- All students are default as Attending. To assign an attendance status, select N or S on the Attendance pull-down menu or type those letters into the box.
Attendance Values
- If you select Stopped, a last attended date is required.
Message that appears if you try to save with a Stopped Attending selection with no last date of attendance.
- Click Save Attendance to submit your attendance roster. After saving the roster, the date and time will display, confirming the action being successful. Save your attendance submission for all of your class rosters even if all students are attending. This will confirm your students are all attending.
Click Save Attendance on the roster to confirm the defaulted selection of "Attending" for students on the roster.
- Select the My Schedule menu option to mark attendance on your next class. Repeat this step until all identified attendance rosters are completed.