CETL: ChatGPT and AI Composition Tools

Last Updated

ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is an artificial intelligence tool that uses a language model to quickly synthesize information based on prompts, and present responses in a human-like text format. 
As the tool is shared more widely, conversations in higher education around the use and expectations of the tool are rapidly progressing. McIntyre Library has created an excellent resource on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Student Learning to learn more about AI composition tools such as ChatGPT and considerations for your teaching. Included you’ll find the following and more: 

  • What is it? 
  • Resources
  • Class Policies to Consider 
  • Proactive Responses
  • Citing Generative AI

Share with your students the resources we have on campus to support the writing in your course; the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) has both daytime and evening hours to assist students with a variety of writing projects.
The tool is currently free and available for sign-up to use, however, access to the tool may continue to change with additions to their “plus” plans for faster results. If you would like to talk more about course design in regards to ChatGPT or other AI composition tools, reach out to CETL and watch for additional campus opportunities for discussion on related topics. 

Additional Resources