CETL: Instructional Videos

Last Updated

Instructional videos can be beneficial to students and educators.

Create Videos

There are many ways to create instructional videos; our staff can help if you are not sure which is the best for you or if you'd like individual training. Here are some of the options: 

  • Learning Glass Studio: Schofield 42 contains a recording studio in which instructors can write on a large pane of glass while lecturing. The benefit to this recording is that the instructor's face is visible through the glass, resulting in a more engaging video. The recording equipment flips the image so it is not backwards to students viewing the video. 

  • PowerPoint Audio: For many instructors, adding audio to PowerPoint slides is a relatively easy transition to creating a video. It is possible to add audio to each slide, making it easy to revise later should materials change. Then, the PowerPoint can be exported as an mp4 and streamed on Kaltura. See this KB article for PowerPoint instructions.

  • Screencasts: If you need to record your computer screen to demonstrate how to use technology, Kaltura contains user-friendly recording tools. See uwec.ly/kaltura for instructions. 

  • Recording Yourself or a Demonstration: If you need to record footage, there are many ways to do it! Your computer's webcam may suffice, or you can use a mobile device or borrow a camera from LTS video. 

  • LTS Video: UWEC employs talented videographers who are happy to record your event or lecture. Contact Rob Mattison (mattisr@uwec.edu).

Store Videos

You can use Kaltura (My Media) to store videos. Visit the Kaltura Overview page for guides.