Conferencing: Zoom Consolidation

Last Updated

On Thursday, August 19th, 2021, UWEC’s Enterprise Zoom account will be consolidated into UW Systems’ overall Zoom account. While your Zoom experience will remain mostly the same, there will be a few changes that you should take action on and be aware of: 

  • Domain Change: The Zoom company domain will change from "uwec-edu" to "Wisconsin-edu." This means that when logging into the Zoom application, you will need to click on “Sign in with SSO” and enter “Wisconsin-edu” when prompted for the company domain. 
  • Required Single-Sign On (SSO): Authentication through SSO will be required for using your UWEC Zoom account. Use the above method to log in, and the above Zoom KB article above for assistance. 

  • Scheduled Meetings and Recordings: Your scheduled meetings and recordings will stay with your account. Meetings scheduled under the old "uwec-edu" domain may give you a popup saying that it is from outside your company, but the meeting link will still work.

  • Meeting Reports: Meeting reports will not be transferred with the account. If you would like old attendance reports from meetings, you should download them before the changeover on August 19th, or we will have saved reports available.

More information on Zoom can be found at If you have any questions about this change, please contact the LTS Help Desk at or 715-836-5711.