CampS: Editing Your Phone Numbers (Students)

Last Updated

Within CampS, you can edit most of your personal information by yourself. 

Adding a New Phone Number

  1. Access Campus Personal Information.
  2. Select Contact Details.
    Your current phone number appears. 
  3. Click the 'plus sign' to Add a Phone Number. A blank phone number row appears.  
  4. From the pull-down menu, select the desired option. 
  5. In the text boxes, type the 10-digit phone number.
  6. (Optional) Select Preferred if this is the number you would like to be contacted at.
                       NOTE: The option is selected when a checkmark appears. 
  7. Click Save. You are returned to the Phone Numbers page. 

Editing an Existing Phone Number

  1. Access Campus Personal Information.
  2. Select Contact Details
  3. Click on the row of the number you wish to edit.
  4. In the box make any desired edits.
    NOTE: You cannot edit 'Type', delete that phone number and add back the phone number with the corrected Phone Type .
  5. Click Save. The edits to phone numbers have been saved.

Deleting a Phone Number

  1. Access Campus Personal Information.
  2. Select Contact Details.
  3. Click on the row of the number you wish to delete
  4. Select Delete.
    NOTE: When you delete the preferred phone number, a remaining number will need to be selected as preferred.
  5. Click Yes - Delete. You will be returned to the Phone Numbers web page. The selected phone number has been deleted.

Types of Phone Numbers

There are multiple phone number types which might be kept on record by the University:
  • Home and Home 2 are your permanent phone number(s). (Many undergraduate students lists the phone number(s) of their parents and most employees will list the phone at their current residence.)
  • Local is the number where students can be reached while attending UW-Eau Claire. (Employees normally will not have a Local number.)
  • Other, Other 2, and Other 3 are miscellaneous phone numbers that you may want the University to know about.
  • Saving a TEXT phone type – allows TEXT Message Communications by UW-Eau Claire. **