CampS: Faculty Navigation Tips Sheet (Faculty/Staff)

Last Updated

This page describes how to reach information in CampS that will be useful to faculty and teaching staff.
If you have problems, please contact the LTS Help Desk by emailing them at or calling 715-836-5711.

  • All navigational paths start at CampS on the UW-Eau Claire home page; to access the following steps, click on the Main Menu pull-down at the top of the CampS page.
  • You may not have access to all of these navigational routes depending on your security.
  • Faculty Center will appear on the menu ONLY for people who are assigned to teach one or more classes.

Task Navigational Path 

  1. View My Class Schedule (List Format) Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule (change term if desired). 
  2. View My Weekly Schedule (Calendar Format) Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule » 
  3. Click View Weekly Teaching Schedule. 
  4. View Class Lists (Roster) Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule » 
  5. Click the class roster button to the left of the desired class. Email Students From Class Roster
    Class Roster Button
6. Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule » click the class roster button to the left of the desired class » at the bottom of the page,
Class Roster Button
7. Click Notify All Students.

    Select specific students > click Notify Selected Students.Download Class Roster to Spreadsheet Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule        » click the class roster button to the left of the desired class
Class Roster Button

8. At the top of the Enrolled Students section, next to Find, click the calendar button
Calendar Button

9. View My Exam Schedule Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule (change term if desired)  »
    When available, the exam schedule will be at the bottom of the page.
    Click My Exam Schedule. Submit Final Grades Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule (change term if desired) » click the grade roster            button to the left of the desired class
Grade Roster Button

10. Verify Grade Roster Type = Final Grades. Submit Midterm Grades Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule  (change term if desired) » click the grade roster button to the left of the desired class
Grade Roster Button

11. Verify Grade Roster Type = Midterm Grades. View Course Catalog

Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule » click on the Search tab » click the Browse Course Catalog tab.
Self Service » Class Search/Browse Catalog » Browse Course Catalog. View Schedule of Classes (Class Searching) Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule » click on the Search tab » click the Browse course Catalog tab.
Self Service » Class Search / Browse Catalog » click Class Search. View Class Schedule by Subject (Condensed Schedule, including Enrollment Counts and Fees) Self Service » (Term) Class Schedule by Subject » click the magnifying glass to choose the institution and subject » click View Results

  • View Advisees and PAC Codes Self Service » Advisor Center » My Advisees.
Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule » click the Advisor Center tab. View/Update My Personal Demographic Information Self Service » Student Center » Personal Information area.
Self Service » Campus Personal Information » Various Menu Options. View My Account (Children's Center, Tuition, etc.) Self Service » Student Center » Finances area. View Instructor Schedules (Not Your Own Schedule) Curriculum Management » Instructor/Advisor Information » Instructor Schedule » enter Term and other desired search information. 

  • View Classroom Schedules Curriculum Management » Facility and Event Information » Class Facility Usage » enter UWEAU in the SetID or choose it from the list and enter any other desired search information. If you enter a room, you must enter leading digits (e.g. 0100 or 0050. Both Term and Day of the Week are required on the subsequent screen). 

  • Textbook Usage (Overall) TBA. View My Textbook Usage For a Term Self Service » Faculty Center » My Schedule (change term if desired) » click 

  • View Textbook Summary. View Textbooks and Other Materials for a Specific Class Available on the detail description for each class section (use Class Search to find a particular class).