Perceptive Content (ImageNow): Installing the Software

Last Updated

This guide covers the steps for installing the Perceptive Content software on a UW-Eau Claire Windows computer. All UW-Eau Claire faculty and staff can install Perceptive Content on their office computers. Student employees may need their supervisors to perform this installation for them. To have Perceptive Content installed in a computer lab or other specialty computer, please contact the LTS Help Desk.

This software installation will restart the computer, so please save all work and close all programs.

  1. Search for Software Center by clicking the Start Button in the lower left corner.
    Start Button
  2. Type Software Center.
    Software Center
  3. Press Enter or click on the Software Center icon.

    The Software Center application will open.
  4. In the Software Center’s search field, type perceptive.
    Type Perceptive
  5. Press Enter to search for the Perceptive Content application.
    Press Enter
  6. Click on the Perceptive Content #.#.#.### row that was found by the search. Please note that the version number ( in the example screenshots) will not necessarily match what you find in the Software Center. The version number you see in the Software Center is the current version we are using on campus.

    Note: The next steps will restart the computer, so please save all work and close all programs before clicking the Install button.
  7. Click the Install button.
  8. Wait a few moments while the software installs. This usually takes less than 5 minutes.
  9. Click the Restart button to restart the computer and finalize the installation.
  10. Double check that all files are saved. Then click Restart to confirm the computer restart.
  11. Wait a moment while the computer restarts.
  12. After the computer has restarted, login like normal.
  13. Press the Start button.
    Start Button
  14. Click the Common Applications folder.
    Click Common Applications Folder
  15. The Perceptive Content and Perceptive Content Management Console applications are now displayed here. Most people will only need to use the Perceptive Content application.
    Perceptive Content
  16. Click Perceptive Content to open the Perceptive Content software.