Policies: Grievance Policy for Students with Disabilities

Last Updated

It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities pursuant to state and federal law. If a student with a disability wishes to make an accommodation request, they should consult the Services for Students with Disabilities Office, which is responsible for determining reasonable accommodations. Students will be provided with a Verification of Individual Services and Accommodations, and they should discuss these approved accommodations with individual instructors, or administrators.

The procedures that follow are intended to resolve student complaints about accommodations. Whenever possible, issues should be addressed and settled through informal discussions with the student and parties involved. If an issue cannot be resolved through informal means, students may use the following procedures:

  1. The student should meet with the director of the Services for Students with Disabilities office to discuss specific concerns.
  2. If the director is unable to resolve the matter or if the student is not satisfied with the resolution, the student may file a complaint with the Affirmative Action Office following the guidelines outlined under the "Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy." Pursuant to those procedures, a complaint must be filed within 300 calendar days of the act out of which the complaint has arisen.
  3. The student may also at any time contact the Office of Civil Rights for information or assistance:
    U.S. Department of Education
    Office of Civil Rights
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
    Telephone: 1-800-245-6800
    FAX: 202-245-6840; TDD: 877-521-2172
    Email: OCR@ed.gov