Policies: Housing Contract Cancellation

Last Updated

Housing Cancellation Process

Enrolled UWEC student have until May 1 each year to cancel their housing contract without financial liability and a full refund of the $75 housing deposit. After May 1st, a student is fully obligated to the entire contract, unless they withdraw from the University, graduate, enter into ACTIVE military service or get married.
When you completed the housing application, you should have reviewed, signed, and received a copy of the housing contract. Click below to review the terms of the housing contract.

View Housing Contract

To cancel your housing contract before May, please go to My Housing Portal and compete the Cancellation Request for the appropriate application year.
Cancellation requests after May 1 must be fall within the Board of Regents for the University of Wisconsin System policy as reasons for allowing students to be released from their contract: withdrawing from school, graduating, becoming involved in a university-sponsored educational experience that require a student to reside outside a 40 mile radius of Eau Claire or overseas, or is transferring to another university; getting married and living with spouse; being called to active military service. 
Should the request to cancel be granted, the student will forfeit the $75 housing deposit.

Common cancellation request not permitted by the Board of Regents Policy:

  • Financial Difficulty – lack of funds alone is not an acceptable basis for a cancellation decision.  Finances for the term of contract must be considered by the student prior to application.  Lower monthly rent, at home or in an off-campus property, will not be considered as a rationale for a cancellation request.
  • Unhappiness with Residence Hall Living – residence hall living, including sharing space with roommates, requires a certain amount of adjustment for most students.  Students must make a determination before applying whether residence hall living is the correct choice for them.  Students may not “try it out” and later request cancellation.
  • Commuting/Living Off Campus – the choice to commute, or live off campus, must be made prior to submitting the application/contract. 
  • Health Conditions – Even with medical documentation, most medical conditions will not release a student from the contract.  Students must consider known medical conditions and their impact in a community living situation prior to submitting a contract.