Policies: Truckster

Last Updated

Purchase-related policy:

  • Maximum truckster width (including mirrors and fenders) to be 67 inches. Currently this would exclude Cushman White Truck vans, E-Rides, and John Deere Pro-Gators.
  • If the truckster is owned by University Housing and will be operated on upper campus streets the vast majority of the time, this restriction could be waived.
  • If the truckster is not a replacement of an existing truckster, an overnight parking space must be proposed and approved by Facilities before a purchase can proceed.
  • Truckster tires are to be six inch wide turf tires.


After Market installation-related policy:

  • Three inch high identification numbers to be displayed on the front and rear of the truckster. On the rear, above the rear window. On the front, between the headlights and the windshield on a vertical surface.
  • Either a Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) sign or Neighborhood Electrical Vehicle(NEV) sign – as appropriate to its use -- to be mounted on the rear of the truckster. 

Operationally-related policy:

  • Seatbelts are to be worn when the truckster is in motion.
  • Passengers are not to ride in the rear cargo bed.
  • An annual safety inspection to be performed by Facilities, with unsafe mechanical conditions to be corrected.
  • Operators to observe the Truckster Restriction Zone (TRZ).
  • Park fifty feet or more back from building entrances.
  • Stay on pavements and stay off of lawn areas. [Slow down and carefully make turns when on sidewalks so as not to cut across the lawn!]
  • When driving on sidewalks, extreme courtesy and deference is to be given to pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • All employees that drive trucksters must meet the Dept. of Administration’s “Minimum Driving Standards”.
  • Tire replacements to be six inch wide turf tires.
  • Truckster operators are to obey all WisDOT’s Rules of the Road (e.g. traffic control signs, established speed limits, giving right-of-way to pedestrians and bicyclists, signaling turns in advance).
  • When the truckster is left unattended, the truckster is to be turned off and ignition key removed.