Prefix Request Management

Last Updated

*Please note that you can also access the Prefix Request Management information by going to 

Table of Contents

 Landing Page

Located at: Prefix Request Management Web Page
The Prefix Request Management landing page pictured above is the starting point for submitting subject/prefix code changes/updates and viewing historical revisions.  It could be used as a reference for subject/prefix code information. However, it’s important to note that revisions and new proposals will appear even if they are in progress as opposed to approved.


In order to search for existing subject/prefix codes, please search for the title or the request code in the search field below:
NOTE: There are several different ways to search for a subject/prefix code. Keep in mind that an asterisk (*) is a wildcard, and can be used at any place within your search terms to stand in for missing information. Searching on just an asterisk will return all subject/prefix codes in the Prefix Request Management system.
By searching *art*, the Prefix Request Management landing page displays all subject/prefix codes with 'art' in the title. A specific program could have also been searched for using the Request Code. For example: 4.

Viewing Proposal Information on the Landing page

Proposals can be viewed from the landing page by searching for the subject/prefix code, and selecting it from the list that appears below the search bar.

In Workflow displays the approval path of the workflow. Green indicates that a step has been approved. Yellow indicates that it is pending a step.
Approval Path displays the date, time, and user that approved each step in the workflow.

NOTE: If previous proposals have gone through the workflow, they will be listed below Approval Path under History. Every iteration of a program will be cataloged here within the Prefix Request Management system, and can be referenced.


To print a proposal, use the browsers print function, usually accessed by pressing CTRL+P on Windows, or Command-P on Apple. If you have Adobe, or another similar product, you can Print to PDF to create a .pdf of the proposal.

Preview Workflow

Below the Edit Request button, there is a red Preview Workflow button. Preview Workflow gives a snapshot of the workflow that a submitted proposal would follow.

How to Propose a New/Archive Prefix/Subject Code

Please note that you will need to start a new "Propose New/Archive Prefix" form for each action you take with a prefix/subject code. For example, if a prefix subject code already exists, but needs to be archived, please start a new form for that action. If you are creating a new prefix or a new prefix to replace an old prefix, please start a new form.
  1. Click Propose New/Archive Prefix
  2. Complete the form by filling in required information

  3. After completing the form, click one of the following:
  • Cancel to not save any changes, and return to the previous window
  • Save Changes to save any changes that have been made, and come back to the form later. The status of the saved form will be "Added," and may be edited later. Please note that this is useful feature if you want to save program information and come back to it. You can save this information in advance to have it available and ready prior to submitting it for approval
  • Start Workflow to save, and submit for approval
All required fields must be filled out before the proposal can be submitted for approval.  If required fields have not been completed, an error message detailing the missing fields will appear. Once the fields are filled in, the form can be submitted by clicking Start Workflow. The new program proposal will go to the next person in the workflow. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user that the new Prefix Request Management proposal is ready to be reviewed, edited, approved, or rejected.

The Prefix Request Form in Detail

Request Type:

This field is automatically populated with the "Request New Prefix/Subject Code" option. You can switch this option if you need to archive a Prefix but clicking on the dropdown box and selecting "Archive a Prefix/Subject Code".


This is an open text box where the preparer enters their name. This is a required field. If there is more than one Preparer, another row can be added by clicking on the green plus icon. A row can be removed by clicking on the red x icon.

Effective Term:

Effective term refers to the term that the prefix/subject code will be available in CampS and courses will be added to the catalog under this prefix/subject code. Courses will need to be added in the Course Inventory Management (CIM) system after the Prefix/Subject Code is approved.

New Prefix:

This field will only show for new prefix/subject code proposals. 4 character limit. Typical Prefix is 3 characters.

Is this Prefix replacing an Existing Prefix?:

In order to make sure that the prefix/subject code is built properly in CampS, we ask "Is this Prefix replacing an Existing Prefix?":

Existing Prefix:

If a prefix/subject code is being archived or replaced, you will see the field for Existing Prefix below:


The college associated with the subject prefix code is used for the workflow approvals for the request, as well as for building the subject/prefix code in CampS.


The department associated with the subject prefix code is used for the workflow approvals for the request, as well as for building the subject/prefix code in CampS.

Request Justification:

This field serves as a place to put justification of what is needed and why. This field will be able to explain the change being made for those in the workflow.

Optional Supporting Documents:

Please place any documentation needed for explaining the change or for approval purposes here. Attachments will become part of the proposal, and can be referenced even after the workflow has been completed.

Once the file is attached, it can be removed. If the preparer wishes to view the file, the course form must be saved by clicking on Save Changes.

Once the form is saved, the attachment can be viewed by scrolling to the bottom of the course form view from the landing page.