CampS: Public Search in the Class Schedule (Guests)

Last Updated

You can search the Class Schedule to get information about classes being offered, their instructors, dates, and times.
  1. Click here to access the Search for Classes page, or click Main Menu.
  2. Click Self Service.
  3. Click Class Search.
  4. The Institution pull-down menu should default to UW-Eau Claire. If another institution appears from the Institution pull-down menu, select UW-Eau Claire.
  5. From the Term pull-down list, select your desired term.

Class Schedule Search

  1. (Optional) From the Course Subject pull-down list, select the desired course department.
  2. (Optional) From the Course Number pull-down list and text box, select the desired parameter and type the three digit course number.
  3. (Optional) From the Course Career pull-down list, select the desired academic career.
  4. (Optional) Click Additional Search Criteria and define any additional desired search criteria.
  5. From the Campus pull-down list, select your desired campus.
    Additional Search Criteria

  6. Click Search. The Search Results web page will appear.
         NOTE: If your search criteria was too broad or too narrow, you may receive an error message. Return to the Class Search web page and try         again.
  7. For more information about a class, click the course's link to pull up the Class Detail page. The Class Detail page displays the enrollment requirements (e.g., prerequisites, junior standing, a particular major) and textbook information. To return to the Search Results page, click View Search Results.
  8. Click Select Class to place the class in your shopping cart.
         NOTES: After you select a class, a green circle means the class is open, a blue square means a class is closed. Some courses have both           lecture and discussion sections; you will generally need to register for both sections to be fully enrolled in the course. Only the first few              sections of a course may be initially displayed; to see all the offerings, click View All Sections.

Search Criteria Terms

Course Subject: Specifies department.
Course Number: Specifies the course's three-digit number, as listed in the university catalog.
       NOTE: This is not the number you will use to register.

Course Career: Specifies undergraduate or graduate courses.

Show Open Classes Only: Only shows classes with open seats.
      NOTE: This box is automatically checked.

Meeting Start Time and End Time: Search for classes meeting at a certain time.

Day of Week: Search for classes meeting on specific days of the week.

Instructor Last Name: Search for courses taught by specific instructors.

Class Nbr: Search by the course offering number for a specific term.

Course Title Keyword: Search for a keyword in the class title.

Minimum and Maximum Units: Search according to the number of credits.

Course Component: Search only for lectures, labs, independent studies, etc.

Session: Search by class session.
        NOTE: The most common session is Regular Academic Session.

Mode of Instruction: Specify online or in-person courses.

Location: Search for classes on or off campus.

Course Characteristics: Search for courses using specific categories, such as Cultural Diversity, GE, or Foreign Culture.