Publisher: Layouts

Last Updated


Guides create a grid pattern to make it easier to align content.
To add a guide,
  1. Click the Page Design tab.

  2. In the Layout section, click Guides.

  3. Select either a premade guide pattern or create your own by clicking Grid and Baseline Guides.

  4. Once you have a guide, you can move it by dragging.

  5. To delete a guide, right click on the guide and click Delete.

Duplicate Pages

Duplicating pages creates a replicate of the current page.
  1. Right click on the page you would like to duplicate in the Pages section of Publisher.

  2. Click Insert Duplicate Page.

View Two-Page Spread

View Two-Page Spread allows you to view two pages side-by side. You must have at least two pages to use this feature.
  1. Click on View tab.

  2. In Layout section, select Two-Page Spread. 

  3. Must have at least 3 pages to view in Two-Page Spread.

Page Numbers

Use this feature to add numbers to the pages of your document.
  1. Click the Insert tab.

  2. Under the Header & Footer section, click Page Number.

  3. Choose from the options to add page numbers.