SharePoint: Intranet Revitalization Project Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated

Q: What’s changing?
A: We are:
  • Replacing the “Blugold Insider” link on the Faculty – Staff page with “UWEC Intranet”. 
  • The “UWEC Intranet” link will point to a new communication site instead of the A-Z page. 
    • This is going live and will be generally accessible Friday, June 7th
  • The new communication site will have a link to the new “A-Z List” at the top of the page.
    • This is going live and will be generally accessible Friday, June 7th 
    • The new A-Z list has been updated to be more mobile friendly and in the new template style. 
    • The new A-Z list is being updated as sites go live with the new templates.

Q: When will we be contacted?
A: Every existing site owner has been reached out to at this point via email. If someone feels they were missed, they should reach out to Tom Sulzer ( to resolve this oversight.
Q: What if I don’t have an existing SharePoint site, but I want one?
A: If someone wants a new SharePoint site, they should reach out to Tom Sulzer ( to work through getting a site created for them.
Q: When will all of the SharePoint sites be updated?
A: The project is scheduled to complete before the start of Fall semester.
Q: What is happening to the old sites?
A: The old sites are having their access limited to just the new site owners so that no one continues updating the old site by accident. Existing site owners will have access to the old site to retrieve any content that was thought to not be necessary but actually is. The plan is keep the original sites’ content for one (1) calendar year as we want to avoid losing any content.