Office 365: Sharing Files on OneDrive

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You can share files and folders in OneDrive with other UW-Eau Claire account holders only. If you have a personal OneDrive account, you will not be able to share between the two. Sharing files with edit permissions allows multiple people to edit the same file simultaneously.
There are several ways to initiate sharing a file in OneDrive:
  • When creating or editing a document online, click the Share button on the top right of the screen.
  • In the OneDrive Documents file list, right click an existing file or folder, and select Share.
  • In the OneDrive Documents file list, click the checkmark next to an existing file or folder, and select the Share button in the screens top menu.
  • With the document open in the full Microsoft application, click the File button from the top bar, select Share from the left hand bar, and the top option,Share with People, should be selected.
After initiating the Share Dialog, there are two ways you can share a file or folder. You can share with individuals and groups or you can create a link to allow for anonymous or inter-University viewing and/or editing.

Sharing with Individuals and Groups

  1. Once the Share with People dialog box is open, selecting how you want people to be able to access the document. "People you specify can edit" allows the others to make changes to the document and share the document with others.          
Selecting "Anyone with the link" allows you to specify people outside of the UWEC domain to be able to edit/view the file. In addition, you are able to specify an expiration date for the file access as well. You are also able to protect the access with a password. And finally, you can limit access so that they cannot download the file.  

Note: you can limit access to people just within the UWEC domain to be able to edit/view the file as being able to block download as well by selecting by selecting "People in UW-Eau Claire with the link".  You can also limit access to those who already were granted access by selecting "People with existing access".  

The selection of "Specific people" option allows you to limit the user to either edit or review the document as well as block download capability.  

Note: to enable the Block download option you must uncheck the Allow editing option. 

  1. After specifying how you want people to access the file, you can then specify whom you want to access the file by entering either their UWEC user name or their email address in the "Enter a name or email address" text box. 

  2. (Optional) In the second text box, add a message, instructions, etc. if desired. 

  3. Sharing a file will automatically send the invitees an email notification with a direct link to the document. 

Using Anonymous or Company Links

  1. After opening up the sharing dialog and entering the email address, click Copy a link in the left side of the share dialog. 

  2. From here click on the Copy button to put the link into your clipboard for later copy/paste. 
Note: to change the access you need to configure that before clicking the Copy a link button. For access options see section 1. above in the Sharing with Individuals and Groups description.
3. When you are done using the link, you can delete it by clicking the Remove Link text on the appropriate link. 
  • Unless you select differently, each invitee will receive an email invitation with a direct link to the file.
  • Invitees will also see the shared file listed in their Shared with me section of their OneDrive.
  • Be cautious in giving Can Edit permissions to your file! This allows people to change, delete, and give others complete editing capabilities for the file without your additional permission.