Academic Affairs: Student Academic Grievance Informal Resolution Procedure

Last Updated

The Informal Resolution Procedures must be initiated within 30 days of the conclusion of the term when the alleged deviation occurred and prior to submitting a formal academic grievance. The informal resolution procedures include the following steps:

  1. The student should first meet with the person (i.e., respondent) to whom the grievance is directed (e.g., instructor or department chair).
  2. If resolution is not achieved at any level, the student may consult with the person at the next level of decision making. Students should follow the appropriate consultation protocol sequence: instructor, department chair/program director, associate dean. College of Nursing and Health Sciences students should also consult their nursing student handbooks. Students enrolled in online degree programs should consult their program director.

If resolution is not achieved through the informal resolution process, and the student wants the grievance to be considered further, the student must file a Formal Student Academic Grievance and follow that procedure. You will be directed by the associate dean with whom you have been working. 

Submit Formal Student Academic Grievance