*Please note that you can also access the program information by going to the catalog page in the next catalog and clicking on the "Edit Program Requirements" box header
The Program Inventory Management (PIM) landing page pictured above is the starting point for submitting program changes/modifications, proposing new programs, suspending/eliminating programs, checking on currently in progress proposals, and viewing historical revisions. It could be used as a reference for program information that needs to go through governance approval. However, it’s important to note that revisions and new proposals will appear even if they are in progress as opposed to approved.
In order to search for existing programs, please search for all or part of the title using asterisks as seen in the screenshot below. Text entered in the Search field will search for matching data in all two headings on the landing page: Plan Code and Program Name.
NOTE: There are several different ways to search for a course. Keep in mind that an asterisk (*) is a wildcard, and can be used at any place within your search terms to stand in for missing information. Searching on just an asterisk will return all programs in PIM.
By searching *nursing*, the PIM landing page displays all programs with 'nursing' in the title. A specific program could have also been searched for using the Plan Code. For example: 700-004.
Viewing Proposal Information on the Landing page
Proposals can be viewed from the landing page by searching for the program, and selecting it from the list that appears below the search bar.
In Workflow displays the approval path of the workflow. Green indicates that a step has been approved. Yellow indicates that it is pending a step. Approval Path displays the date, time, and user that approved each step in the workflow.
NOTE: If previous proposals have gone through the workflow, they will be listed below Approval Path under Revision History. Every iteration of a program will be cataloged here within PIM, and can be referenced.
To print a proposal, use the browsers print function, usually accessed by pressing CTRL+P on Windows, or Command-P on Apple. If you have Adobe, or another similar product, you can Print to PDF to create a .pdf of the proposal.
Preview Workflow
Below the Edit Program button, there is a red Preview Workflow button. Preview Workflow gives a snapshot of the workflow that a submitted proposal would follow.
How to Propose a New Program
Click Propose New Program
Complete the form by filling in required information
After completing the form, click one of the following:
Cancel to not save any changes, and return to the previous window
Save Changes to save any changes that have been made, and come back to the form later. The status of the saved form will be "Added," and may be edited later. Please note that this is useful feature if you want to save program information and come back to it. You can save this information in advance to have it available and ready prior to submitting it for approval
Start Workflow to save, and submit for approval
All required fields must be filled out before the proposal can be submitted for approval. If required fields have not been completed, an error message detailing the missing fields will appear. Once the fields are filled in, the form can be submitted by clicking Start Workflow. The new program proposal will go to the next person in the workflow. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user that the new program proposal is ready to be reviewed, edited, approved, or rejected.
How to Propose a Program Change/Modification
Type the program title or plan code that you want to edit into the search field*
Select the program you wish to edit from the results window
Click the Open Program Form button in the PIM window. Some of the fields in this form will be pre-populated with text
Make your edits to the form
After editing the form, click one of the following:
Cancel to not save any changes, and return to the previous window
Save Changes to save any changes that have been made, and come back to the form later. The status of the saved form will be "Added," and may be edited later
Start Workflow to save, and submit for approval
*Please note that you can also access the program information by going to the catalog page in the next catalog and clicking on the "Edit Program Requirements" box header
How to Propose a Program Suspension or Elimination
Type the program title or plan code that you want to edit into the search field*
Select the programthat you want to suspend or eliminate from the results window
Click the Eliminate/Suspendbutton
Complete the form
Click Submit to submit the request, or Cancel to cancel the request
*Please note that you can also access the program information by going to the catalog page in the next catalog and clicking on the "Edit Program Requirements" box header
The Program Information Form in Detail
This is an open text box where the preparer enters their name. This is a required field. If there is more than one Preparer, another row can be added by clicking on the green plus icon. A row can be removed by clicking on the red x icon.
Program Level:
This field will determine whether the program is Graduate or Undergraduate, which will affect the workflow it will go through for approval..
Degree Type:
This field will determine whether the program has a degree. if the degree of the program is not listed, please select Other and put the name of the degree in the Proposed Degree field below the Degree Type field.
Type of Change:
A course revision requires a choice of Type of Change including: Modification or Administrative Edit. The correct change type will depend on the type of revision, or update being requested. Modification is auto populated as Administrative Edit is only used by College Associate Deans.
Name of Program:
Name of Program is an important field, as it is the field by which you can search for the Program information. This field also triggers a Rename of Program workflow if changed in anyway. If you are not sure if this field needs to be changed, please consult with your College's Associate Dean.
Major Type:
Major Type will only show for Major or Emphasis, Major workflows and has two choices: Comprehensive and Standard.
Transcript Title:
This field will be filled in in the Records and Registration office and will show on the Program Information page once the program information is approved.
Administrative Department:
This field will show on New Program forms and will appear for the College Deans workflow step to check if a change is needed. This field will trigger department chairs or directors to be included in workflows for programs that affect their departments.
The college field indicates which college the program belongs under:
Effective Catalog Year:
Effective Catalog Year will indicate the year the program information and approval will be implemented in the catalog. Please note that if program information is approved for a future term, it will not appear until that term in the catalog.
Is this content intended to be shared across multiple programs/catalog pages?:
Some catalog program content will be the same and will affect multiple pages in the catalog, if that is the case, please mark 'yes' to this question. By marking 'Yes' to this field, you are saying that this content would go on multiple pages in the catalog and would need to go through governance approval. Please specify the locations this content needs to go in the 'Catalog Placement Notes' below.
Catalog Placement Notes:
In order to help the Records and Registration staff place the program information in the correct part of the catalog, please indicate that information in the catalog placement notes field. Please note that this is information that will not be published in the catalog is for direction only.
Integration Points:
The following 4 fields (integration points) will show up in the catalog:
Program Requirements (Includes Course Lists)
Additional Program Requirements (If Applicable)
Additional Admission Requirements (Unique to Program)
Other Catalog Notes/Restrictions (If Applicable)
This means that all of this information will be publish and will be listed on the Program Catalog page once approved for the appropriate catalog year.
Program Requirements (Includes Course Lists):
Program requirements could include program restrictions, changes to electives, GPA, proficiency requirements, major/elective requirements, GPA/grade requirements, among other examples.
Please contact the associate dean and the registrar if any assistance is needed in filling out this field.
NOTE: If you do not have any content for this field, please type 'N/A'.
Additional Program Requirements (If Applicable):
If there are additional program requirements that should be placed in a separate portion of the program catalog page, please fill in the field below.
NOTE: If you do not have any content for this field, you can leave it blank.
Additional Admission Requirements Unique to Program (If Applicable):
If there are additional admission requirements unique only to this program, please fill in the field below.
NOTE: If you do not have any content for this field, you can leave it blank.
Other Catalog Notes/Restrictions (If Applicable):
If there are other catalog notes or restrictions that should be placed in a separate portion of the program catalog page, please fill in the field below.
NOTE: If you do not have any content for this field, you can leave it blank.
For existing programs, please fill out the reason(s) for changes to the program content:
Learning Outcomes:
Required for New Programs Only: Program learning outcomes are statements of what students should know or be able to do when completing a certificate (2-3 outcomes), minor (3-4 outcomes), or major (5-7 outcomes). Each outcome should begin with a specific action verb describing what a student can do. Sample knowledge verbs include demonstrate, apply, recall, explain, summarize, illustrate, or differentiate. Sample ability verbs include utilize, demonstrate, implement, create, judge, or critique. The verb should be followed by a statement of the knowledge or ability students should are expected to demonstrate. For additional assistance formulating program learning outcomes, contact the assessment director.
In order to add a learning outcome, please click on the green plus (+) sign to the right of the learning outcome 'Description' header.
Summary and Rationale:
Required for New Programs Only: This section includes the following fields: Target Audience(s); Evidence of long-term need; Anticipated Enrollment; Alignment with university mission; Statement of benefits to students; Departments(s), program(s), college(s), and university predecessor programs; and Relationship to existing programs.
Required for New Programs Only: This section includes the following fields: Does the department have the necessary staffing to offer this program?; Explain need for student support, library resources, etc.; Describe funding needs to initiate and maintain the program, including source(s) of funding and any needed resource reallocation; Proposed frequency of offering for courses included in the program; Proposed arrangements for ongoing faculty advising for students in the program; and Provide justification that this program is not a duplication of another program that is currently being offered.
If applicable, select impacted departments:
Out of respect for resource availability of other departments, please contact any impacted departments a reasonable amount of time in advance prior to submitting this form.
Also, you can list many departments by clicking on the green plus sign to the right of 'Departments' below. Select all impacted departments. A row can be removed by clicking on the red x icon.
Any type of attachment can be added to the course form. Attachments will become part of the proposal, and can be referenced even after the workflow has been completed.
Once the file is attached, it can be removed. If the preparer wishes to view the file, the course form must be saved by clicking on Save Changes.
Once the form is saved, the attachment can be viewed by scrolling to the bottom of the course form view from the landing page.