Telephone: Telephone Services

Last Updated


Information About IP Phones:

Please be aware that if a staff member has an IP phone and they change offices, the phone can move with them due to it being assigned to the given person and their username. This process is easier than resetting lines and voicemails. However, a given faculty or staff member must inform LTS Help Desk if there is a move occurring. LTS Help Desk will update.

If a faculty/staff member leaves the university and has an IP phone, please let LTS Help Desk know. It is critical that a notice regarding staff/faculty departure is sent to LTS Help Desk. It is up to the department to send LTS these changes. If LTS does not remove the information then the previous user will continue to receive voicemails to their email.

Please note: Voice mail can only be designated to one username; the system does not allow for a shared mailbox with multiple users. LTS Help Desk suggests that the department, faculty, and staff decide if there should be a voicemail and who it will be assigned to. LTS Help Desk can change the voicemail later if there is a change needed for the voicemail.   

Service Requests

All requests for telephone service should be submitted via email or paper memo at least two weeks in advance. Call or email any time with questions or problems. 

Phone: 715-836-5711
Campus mail: VLL 1106

Services Provided

Telephone Services supports the campus voice system by providing the following services:

  • Installing, moving, and maintaining telephone lines and equipment.
  • Processing orders for voice mail, cellular service, toll-free numbers, special telephone services, and calling cards.
  • Advising and helping with telephone service problems.
  • Processing charge backs for services provided by the UW-Eau Claire telephone technicians as well as for service and calling charges billed by various telephone service providers.

Cisco Jabber

Cisco Jabber is a software application, which allows users to receive and make phone calls, to and from their assigned office phone number. Before installing the Jabber client, users must first contact the LTS Help Desk (715-836-5711 or and request Jabber be enabled on their account. 

Once enabled, users must install the Jabber client on their computer. Install instructions for the following scenarios are found in the table below:

University Owned Computer
Personally Owned Computer

Cisco Jabber Quick Start Guide

Using Cisco Jabber with Microsoft Teams

Changing Cell Phone to Computer in Cisco Jabber Calls 

Calling Information and Rates




Incomplete call


No charge

On-campus call

36 + last 4 digits of number or

55 + last 4 digits of number

No charge

Local call

Augusta Eau Claire Fall Creek

Chippewa Falls Elk Lake Rock Falls

Cleghorn Elk Mound

9 + area code + 7-digit number

No charge

Extended community call Downsville Mondovi

9 + area code + 7-digit number

No charge

Other Wisconsin cities

8 + 1 + area code + 7-digit number

3.5¢ per minute

Other 49 states in USA

8 + 1 + area code + 7-digit number

3.5¢ per minute


8 + 1 + area code + 7-digit number

Rates vary

International Calls

8 + 011 + country code + number

Rates vary

Toll free call (800, 888, 877, 866)

9 + 1 + 8xx + 7-digit number

No charge

Directory Assistance

* Local (715 area code)

** Long distance

** International

9 + 411

9 + 411

9 + 00 & ask for international dir. assist.

$1.50 per call or more

$1.50 per call

Rates vary (1.99 or more)
