Kaltura: Upload and Share Media
Last Updated
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to upload and share media within My Media integration found in Canvas. There are multiple ways to upload and share media within your My Media repository, so the various sections within this article can help you based on your needs. You can upload audio, video, and images as "media" within the My Media repository. Please note that Kaltura is often called "My Media" in Canvas.
Uploading/sharing the file
The questions below should direct you to the appropriate set of instructions based on your needs.
1. Is your media already uploaded to Kaltura My Media (media file repository)?
- Yes, it's already uploaded to My Media. Please proceed to the directions entitled "Upload and Embed Media in Canvas Course."
- No, I need to upload it to Kaltura My Media (continue to the next question).
NOTE: If you want to share a URL associated with a specific video, please proceed to the directions entitled "Share a URL or Download Media."
2. Do you know where in a Canvas course you want to share your media? (i.e., the specific page, discussion, etc.)
- Yes! Save a step by uploading and embedding your media at the same time. Check out the section called "Upload and Embed Media in a Canvas Course."
- No; I don't know or am not sharing it in Canvas at all. See the section called, "Upload media to your Kaltura repository, not to a specific course."
NOTE: If the multimedia file is on a phone, iPad, or other mobile device, use your device's browser (Chrome is recommended) to upload following the instructions below rather than using the Canvas or Kaltura apps. Some steps of the upload process may require pinching and zooming to accurately click small buttons on a phone.
Upload and Embed Media in a Canvas Course
Instructors and students can upload and share media in many areas of Canvas such as Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, and Syllabus (access varies based on student/instructor role). Please note: The instructions for uploading and embedding a multimedia file are based on the assumption that you know how to create a page, post a reply to a discussion, etc. If you have trouble with that aspect, contact Canvas Help or reach out to CETL (CETL@uwec.edu).
- Log in to Canvas in a browser (Google Chrome or Firefox are preferred) and access the Canvas area in which you are sharing/embedding your media (for example, navigate to the specific assignment or page).
- Click Edit or Reply to access the Rich Content Editor.
- In the Rich Content Editor (pictured below), click the My Media icon (boxed in red) to access your My Media repository. If you are working on a smaller screen, select the three dots found in the Rich Content Editor to access the My Media icon.
This image shows the Rich Content Editor (RCE) within Canvas. The My Media icon appears within the RCE and looks like a firework. - To upload a file, click the +Add New button found on the top right of the page.
Found within the My Media integration popup, the +Add New button allows for media uploads and access to recording tools, such as the Kaltura Web Recorder and the Kaltura CaptureSpace application. - Select Media Upload.
- If this is the first time using the uploading feature, check the box to agree to the terms and conditions.
- On the Upload Media page, drag and drop your file or click the blue button “+Choose a file to upload."
- Find the file on your computer and double-click or click "Open" to upload.
- The blue progress bar will turn green when the upload is complete. Large files may take minutes to upload. TIP: Kaltura has a 2GB limit, but sometimes the Firefox browser will allow larger uploads. A good Wi-Fi connection is very helpful.
- Change the name of the file to accurately represent the video content. TIP: If you are uploading a video created by a Kaltura recording tool, it will automatically default to a date and timestamp. It is helpful to determine a naming convention that makes sense for the organization of your files (such as Course #_unit/assignment) is recommended.
- Before you embed your media, click the gear icon to set up default settings for all media. TIP: In the Embed Settings popup (pictured below), there are choices in how you embed your media.
The embed settings popup allows you to choose the correct settings in which you would like to embed the video into Canvas. This picture shows the various choices such as "Choose Player" options, embed size options, the inclusion of a thumbnail, and whether you would like to allow auto-play (not recommended). - Choose Player: This allows you to choose which player you would like to use. Choices range from the default player, download and share player, simplified player, and transcript player. Unless options are needed, most embeds should use the default player.
- Max Embed Size: The size in which the media player can be selected. The larger the number the larger the video will embed. Choices for embed sizes are: 400x225 (recommended), 608x342 (half page), and 900x507 (full page). TIP: All players include a full-screen viewing button.
- If you would like all videos to embed within the settings selected, click the "Set as my default setting for media type: video" box.
- Click the blue "Embed" button in the embed settings popup or the "Save and Embed" button found within the My Media integration popup.
This image is of the Save and Embed button found within the My Media integration popup. - Finish editing the Canvas item and select Post, Save, or Save and Publish.
Embed Previously Uploaded Media in Canvas
If you have a video already uploaded to the My Media repository, then use the following directions to learn how to upload the media using the My Media integration found within the Canvas Rich Content Editor. The instructions are based on the assumption that you know how to create a page, post a reply to a discussion, etc. If you have trouble with that aspect, contact Canvas Help and return to these instructions.
- Access the Canvas item in which you are sharing/embedding your media (such as a specific assignment, discussion, or page).
- Click Edit, if you are editing a page, discussion, assignment or announcement to access the Rich Content Editor. TIP: If you are replying to a discussion post, select "Reply," to access the Rich Content Editor.
- In the Rich Content Editor, click the My Media icon (pictured below) to access your My Media repository. If you are working on a smaller screen, select the three dots to access the My Media icon.
This image shows the Rich Content Editor (RCE) within Canvas. The My Media icon appears within the RCE and looks like a firework. - Find the file you want to embed in your list of media. The most recently added are at the top.
If you have a lot of media, you may need to search for the specific file name. You can also use the Filter button to look for a video based on media type, publishing status, ownership, and captions. Additionally, you can use the "Sort by" dropdown menu to select a variety of other options. - Before you embed your media, click the gear icon to set up default settings for all media.
- In the Embed Settings popup, there are choices in how you embed your media. The embed settings popup allows you to choose the correct settings in which you would like to embed the video into Canvas. This picture shows the various choices such as "Choose Player" options, embed size options, the inclusion of a thumbnail, and whether you would like to allow auto-play (not recommended).
Within the Embed Settings popup, the embed settings, such as the player and embed size, appear on the left. The embed button appears in the upper right corner. - Choose Player: This allows you to choose which player you would like to use. Choices range from the default player, download and share player, simplified player, and transcript player. Unless options are needed, most embeds should use the default player.
- Max Embed Size: The size in which the media player can be selected. The larger the number the larger the video will embed. Choices for embed sizes are: 400x225 (recommended), 608x342 (half page), and 900x507 (full page). TIP: All players include a full-screen viewing button.
- If you would like all videos to embed within the settings selected, click the "Set as my default setting for media type: video" box.
- Click the blue "Embed" button in the embed settings popup or the "Save and Embed" button found within the My Media integration popup.
NOTE for instructors: Embedding multiple multimedia files on a single Canvas Page can result in an "Access Denied" error. This error occurs when the videos fail to load quickly. Best practice is to limit video embeds to less than four per page or share a video URL (see directions below).
Upload Media to Your My Media Repository in Canvas, Not to a Specific Course
Please use the following instructions if you don't want to share a media file within a specific Canvas course but would like to upload a specific media file to your My Media repository accessed within Canvas.
- Log in to Canvas.
- Click Account in the global navigation on the left.
In the Canvas Global Navigation Bar, select the Account Button. - Select My Media.
Under Account, drop down to My Media.
Tip: If this is your first time using Kaltura within Canvas, you will need to click Authorize. You may be prompted periodically to authorize the My Media integration within Canvas. - Click the +Add New button on the top right.
Click the Add New button in the upper right corner of the My Media page. - Select Media Upload.
- On the Upload Media page, click Choose a file to upload.
- Find the file on your computer and double-click the file or click Open to upload.
- The blue progress bar will turn green when the upload is complete. Large files may take minutes to upload.
- Edit the name of the file by selecting inside the Name box. TIP: If you are uploading a video created by a Kaltura recording tool, it will automatically default to a date and timestamp. It is helpful to determine a naming convention that makes sense for the organization of your files (such as Course #_unit/assignment) is recommended.
- Add a brief video description within the textbox provided. This provides a general overview or purpose of the video.
- Add a tag to help identify a course in which this video relates (i.e. COURSE#). Tags allow owners and viewers to easily search for and find a video.
- Keep the publishing status marked as "private." This allows the media page to be visible to the content owner and the selected viewers (such as students in the course in which the video is embedded) to see the video. If you select "published," media will only be published to the course(s) selected. In this instance, the video will need to be published in a new course every semester.
- Select Save.
- Optional: Once the video is saved, you will have the option to +Add Collaborator. This can be used to add others to your video as either co-editors, co-publisher, or co-viewers. To learn more, follow the instructions for Adding a Collaborator to a Kaltura Video: https://kb.uwec.edu/articles/kaltura-adding-a-collaborator-to-a-kaltura-video.
Share a URL or Download Media
Sharing a video through a hyperlink is also an option. Often, URLs are used to keep the layout within a Canvas page consistent. It is also an option when sharing a video in PowerPoint, Outlook, or a Word document, as the Kaltura player isn't compatible with all programs. If you wish to share a video within an unsupported program, you will need to share a URL. For a demonstration, please watch this video on how to share a URL or download media.
Find and share a URL
- Login to Canvas
- Click Account in the global navigation on the left
The Account Button is located in the Canvas Global Navigation Bar. - Drop down to My Media.
- Find the media you want to share.
- Click on the thumbnail or the name to open the media file.
- For the share icon to appear, click play at the center of the player. You can select pause once the download and share icon appear.

7. Click the Share icon on the top right corner (pointed out in the screenshot above), select the Copy URL icon to copy the URL found within the textbox. The default share setting will link the full-length video; however, other options, such as starting a video at a certain time or sharing a clip within a longer video, are available. Use the boxes associated with those radio buttons to select the appropriate time.

Tip: According to usability and web accessibility practices, the link text needs to make sense without the surrounding sentences or content. The link should convey its function and purpose of the link. Avoid text like “Click here,” “more,” or “Read more.” When linking full URLs (links), read it aloud to ensure it makes sense for a screen reader to read.
Download a Video or Caption File
To download a video, follow steps 1-6 above. Instead of clicking on the share icon, click on the Download icon with the downward-facing arrow. There are two download options. The video source file can be downloaded as an mp4. It is important to note the MP4 file does not include the captions for the video. To download the captions, select the SRT file to download. For a demonstration, please watch this video on how to share a URL or download media.