UWEC 40.A, Reporting of Foreign Gifts and Contracts

Last Updated

Procedure #: UWEC 40.A


This procedure operationalize and supports compliance with SYS 640, Foreign Gifts and Contracts Reporting. This procedure supports practice directive UWEC 40, Foreign Gifts and Contracts Reporting.


The procedure applies to all UW-Eau Claire divisions, departments and units. Divisions, departments and units may also elect to develop procedures to support compliance with UW System policy and this procedure.


All definitions are consistent with those stated in SYS 640, Foreign Gifts and Contracts Reporting.


  • Oversight
  • Due Diligence
  • Reporting


The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration (VCFA) has responsibility and authority to oversee and ensure that a report is submitted to any Oversight Agency for any gifts received from; contracts with; and any ownership interests in the university by a foreign source.

Due Diligence

Each individual or department that receives payment from a foreign source must:
  • Notify the Office of the VCFA (finadmin@uwec.edu),
  • Maintain documentation of how the foreign source designation was determined, and
  • Be prepared to identify foreign sources and affiliated or subsidiary relationships that may not be explicitly stated.


The Office of the VCFA will:
  • work with individuals and departments to establish processes to complete required reporting established by each Oversight Agency,
  • communicate the reporting requirements to all departments at least annually, and
  • provide annual confirmation to UW System Administration that - to the best of their knowledge - the required reports have been submitted to all applicable Oversight Agencies.


Practice Directive UWEC 40, Foreign Gifts and Contracts Reporting
SYS 640, Foreign Gifts and Contracts Reporting

Procedure Administration

Version Number | V1.0
Approval Authority | Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration
Approval Date | September 15, 2023
Next Review Date | September 15, 2024
Division | Finance & Administration
Department | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration
Contact | Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor | finadmin@uwec.edu