UWEC 42, Sponsorship and Advertising

Last Updated

Practice Directive # | UWEC 42

Division | Finance and Administration
Department | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Contact | Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor |  finadmin@uwec.edu
Effective Date | September 27. 2023
Revision Date | September 27. 2024


Federal | Internal Revenue Code Sec. 513(i), Qualified Sponsorship Payments
State of Wisconsin |  Wis. Stat. §20.907, Receipts from gifts and other outside sources
UW System | RPD 13-1, General Contract Approval, Signature Authority, and Reporting; SYS 342, Extramural Support Administration


The objective of this practice directive and associated procedure is to establish guidelines and principles for engaging in partnerships with external entities in a manner that aligns with UW-Eau Claire's values, mission, and values while ensuring transparency and ethical conduct.


UW–Eau Claire recognizes that many of its activities, programs, and events provide potential sources of revenue or other non-financial benefits through legitimate and worthwhile opportunities for sponsorships, advertising and other promotional activities. This revenue, when conducted in an appropriate manner, can be beneficial to the university, colleges, departments, units, and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), as well as to the sponsoring entity, to the university community, and to the state. It is also necessary to recognize that the university is a public institution and that its reputation and image must be protected. University entities should be mindful that a sponsorship or advertising relationship provides significant value to non-university entities through exposure and association with the university. Sponsorship and advertising relationships must not serve to unduly advance the interests of one non-university entity or organization over another.


UWEC 42.A, Accepting and Acknowledging Sponsorships and Advertising