UWEC 910.A, Funding Charter Process

Last Updated

Procedure #: UWEC 910.A


The Funding Charter process was established document and decision requests for central funding sources. This procedure supports UWEC 910, Fiscal Administration and aims to explain the process for submitting a Funding Charter request and administering an approved project or initiative.


No funds should be spent or committed prior to the issuance of the Funding Charter approval.
A Funding Charter authorizes funding and not the authority to make personnel changes of any kind. If the project funding includes salary expenses, all Unit, Division and UW-Eau Claire Human Resource processes and approvals must be completed before a funding transfer is completed.
Appropriate approval must be obtained if purchase orders and contracts are required.


Central funds: budget funds managed by the Chancellor and Executive team for campus wide initiatives and strategic investments
Funding Charter: a written approval granting central funds for an initiative or project


  • Submitting a Funding Charter Request
  • Follow-up for Approved Funding Charters
  • Amending an Approved Funding Charter

Submitting a Funding Charter Request

StepAction1. | Develop and refine your Funding Charter idea by discussing with your supervisor and examining funding sources outside of central funds
2. | Complete and submit a Funding Charter Form.
3. | The request will route through various approval stages specific to the elections made in the form. Once a decision is entered, the requestor will receive an email with the decision.
4. | If approved | the requestor will receive a request for funding through the eform, then continue with the steps under Follow-up for Approved Funding Charters belowIf denied | work with your supervisor to determine if the request should be changed, refined, funded by other sources, or resubmitted at a future date.

Follow-up for Approved Funding Charters

Work with your supervisor to establish launch and milestone dates for outcomes. Work with your Divisional leadership to establish quarterly review meetings to discuss:
  • Project progress,
  • Confidence level of completion,
  • Spend of the allocated budget, and
  • Next steps if the project has changed or is no longer applicable.
Quarterly meetings should include:
  • Divisional leader (Executive Staff member)
  • Dean or Director
  • Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
  • Budget Officer

Amending an Approved Funding Charter

Complete and submit a new Funding Charter Form. Select Scope Amendment for the Scope line of the Project Budget & Funding section. The form will route for approval.


Practice Directive UWEC 910, Fiscal Administration
Funding Charter Form
Budget & Resource Planning SharePoint site

Procedure Administration

Version Number | V.10
Approval Authority | Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration
Approval Date | September 1, 2022
Next Review Date | September 1, 2023
Division | Finance & Administration
Department | Budget and Resource Planning
Contact | Budget Officer | finadmin@uwec.edu

Revision History

Version | Revision Date | Description of Change | Author(s)
 | September 1, 2022 | Initial issuance | Tracy Drier