Athena Profiles: Editing a Profile: Basic Info Tab

Last Updated

NOTE: If you are looking to activate or deactivate an already created item click here. 

This article is for editing the Basic Info Tab of the Profiles app in Athena. 

  1. Edit the First Name as desired.
  2. Edit the Middle Name as desired.
    NOTE: Only use a middle name if you are called by that name and/or want people to know your middle name.

  3. Edit the Last Name as desired.

  4. Edit the Prefix/Honorific drop down.

  5. Edit the Nickname(s) as desired.
    NOTE: Optionally list any nicknames or alternate names here, separated by commas. These will not display anywhere, but will serve as additional search keywords.

  6. Edit the Pronoun(s) as desired.

  7. ADMIN ONLY: Edit the Username only if necessary.
    NOTE: This is only an option for Admins. Generally, the username should never be changed once a profile has been created. Changing the username will result in broken links and other potentially unexpected issues. If you need this changed, please reach out to the help desk. 

  8. Select an option under the Emeritus Status box.
    • Select Not Emeritus if the person does not have emeritus status.
    • Select Emeritus - Teaching if the person has emeritus status and is still actively teaching at the university.
    • Select Emeritus - Active Non-teaching if the person has emeritus status, has retained use of their UWEC email account, and is not actively teaching at the university.
    • Select Emeritus - Inactive Non-teaching if the person has emeritus status, has not retained use of their UWEC email account, and is not actively teaching at the university.

  9. Edit the Campuses selection. Pick which campus the person will be working at.

  10. Edit the Email as desired.
    NOTE: Enter only your UWEC email address.

  11. Edit the Phone as desired.
     NOTE: Enter only your UWEC office phone number.

  12. Edit the Office Hours as desired
    NOTE: Enter your physical or virtual office hours here. Suggested format: "Mon 11-11:30 a.m., Wed 9-10 a.m. & 1:30-3 p.m. (By appointment only).

  13. Add a Headshot Image.
    NOTE: Click Add Image to add a new headshot instead of selecting a pre-existing image. For help adding new images, see Adding an Image, Editing Image Properties, and Cropping an Image. It is recommended that headshot photos be an official UWEC headshot. If you need a headshot scheduled, please email to make an appointment.
  14. Edit the Website URL as desired.
    NOTE: This field is optional. URLs must begin with http:// or https://. Please use this for any professional websites that you own. 

  15. Edit the People Page URL as desired.
    NOTE: This field is optional. URLs must begin with http:// or https://. Only valid UWEC People Page URLs allowed.

  16. Edit the Google Scholar URL as desired.
    NOTE: This field is optional. URLs must begin with http:// or https://. Only valid Google Scholar URLs allowed.

  17. Edit the CV/Resume URL as desired to link to an externally hosted file.
    NOTE: This field is optional. URLs must begin with http:// or https://.

  18. Upload a Resume as desired.
    NOTE: Only PDFs are allowed.

  19. Upload a CV as desired.
    NOTE: Only PDFs are allowed.

  20. Drag and drop relevant prefixes into the selected items box.
    NOTE: Prefixes like Dr. can be used, but not together with a suffix that's the same. Example: Dr. Jane Smith OR Jane Smith, PhD, but not both. If the desired prefix does not yet exist, contact the Help Desk to request it be added.
  21. Drag and drop relevant suffixes into the selected items box.
    NOTE: This is a picker that you can search and drag over the appropriate suffix.  If the desired suffix does not yet exist, contact the Help Desk to request it be added.
    * Generational Jr., Sr., II, III, IV, V
     * Professional doctorate: J.D., M.D., D.O., Pharm.D., Psy.D.
     * Academic doctorate: Ph.D., Ed.D., D.Phil., D.B.A., LL.D, Eng.D.
     * Honorary: K.B.E., LL.D., D.D., Esq.
     * Professional designations: CPA, CFA, P.E., P.G., CPL, PMP, CISA, CISSP, CISM, RN, LPN, CEO, CFO, CTO, CBO, etc. 

  22. Click Save. 

  23. Proceed to the About tab.