Orientation: Faculty and Staff Training and Employment Resources

Last Updated

A quick and easy way to access Faculty and Staff Training and Employment Resources.
Whether you are brand new to campus or you are a long-time Blugold, your time is valuable. When you need answers, FASTER is better. The Faculty and Staff Training & Employment Resources (FASTER) website is the convenient starting place for all the information you seek.

My Employment

Application Links

  • *Installing software on my UWEC-owned computer
  • Athena - This program houses all the data for the UWEC Website and is used to update the current ebpages
  • CampS - Access to student information (grades, attendance, applying for graduation, student employment, etc.) is available within CampS.  
  • Canvas - Canvas provides a student-friendly, accessible learning experience. Instructors also benefit from ease of use and innovative tools for grading and providing student feedback.
  • eForms (BPLogix) - BP Logix is an online software system that handles paperwork workflow. It allows users to submit and sign off on forms (eForms) that must be viewed and approved by several users.
  • Events Calendar - The Events Calendar is the home of the campus master calendar which includes searchable capabilities by group to see what's up and coming.
  • Handshake - Handshake is a tool that makes it easy to find work-study jobs and part-time jobs on campus, or internships and full-time opportunities out in the real world with available listings all in one place.
  • KnowledgeOwl (Knowledge Base) -  This program is the database of Knowledge base articles that can be added or updated by assigned access groups.
  • OneDrive - Store your documents in OneDrive which is a personal cloud storage area offered by Microsoft.
  • Perceptive Content - Perceptive Content is a content and process management product suite which allows the storage of electronic documents for long-term access with no paper files.
  • Qualtrics - Qualtrics is a university supported survey software. This program offers a variety of survey options, survey appearance, survey statistics, and mass distribution options.
  • SharePoint (Insider) - SharePoint, called Insider on the UW-Eau Claire campus, is our Intranet and digital workspace for our university's colleges, departments, units, and groups.
  • MS Teams - This is a virtual communication platform with a variety of capabilities for meetings, teaching classes, or interacting face-2-face online.
  • Webmail - not in the office? no problem. Use Webmail to access your Outlook mailbox on your laptop or phone.
  • WISER - Wiser is the latest information system that includes access to budgeting, financial reporting and data collection. This program replaced WISDM (Wisconsin DataMart for UW’s Shared Financial System (SFS))


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