Policies: Performance Management

Last Updated

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the process that will foster continued in the work performance of UW-Eau Claire university staff and provide university staff with clear objectives, ongoing and available feedback, professional development, and recognition for work well done.

1. Policy Definitions

See UW System Administrative Policy (SYS) 1225, General Terms and Definitions for a list of general terms and definitions.

Definitions specific to this policy:
Performance evaluation: a continual process of identifying, measuring and developing job-related employee performance.
Performance management: a continual process of establishing expectations, ongoing coaching and feedback, and measuring outcomes in formal performance evaluations of employees.

2. Policy

All UW-Eau Claire university staff will participate in the performance management process. T
his policy provides a framework for the process that will foster continued improvement in the work performance of UW-Eau Claire university staff employees and serve as a component in the determination of merit-based salary adjustments for university staff. 

The performance management system at UW-Eau Claire shall ensure that:
  • All supervisors are adequately trained to evaluate performance and are held accountable for providing performance evaluations;
  • Employees are provided clear expectations for the work they perform;
  • Employees receive ongoing information about how effectively they are meeting expectations;
  • Merit increases are consistent with employee performance;
  • Opportunities for employee development are identified and provided;
  • Employee performance which does not meet expectations is addressed;
  • Management evaluates employees in a fair and consistent manner. 

All university staff employees will be evaluated at least once a year in advance of the institution deadline. 
Those employees serving a probationary period will have a mid-point evaluation and a final probationary period evaluation within 30 days prior to the conclusion of their probationary period. Supervisors may conduct additional reviews as needed. 

Components of the performance evaluation process include the following:
  • Supervisors shall clearly communicate goals and expectations for employees;
  • University Staff will be given the opportunity to contribute to goals and expectations and provide their perceptions of their performance prior to formal completion of evaluations.
  • Supervisors should use first-hand knowledge of the employee’s performance and may use the employee’s self-evaluation and feedback from other employees with whom the employee interacts.
  • Supervisors shall use appropriate evaluation forms provided or approved by UW-Eau Claire Human Resources.
  • Supervisors shall meet with employees to review completed evaluations.
  • Supervisors may conduct additional reviews and ongoing feedback is advised.
  • An employee may not appeal a performance evaluation but may submit a written rebuttal which will be attached to the evaluation. An employee may request assistance from Human Resources on how to write and submit a rebuttal.
  • Completed evaluations must be maintained by Human Resources.
  • Performance Evaluations must include a Salary Rating based on the current University Staff Pay Plan. The University Staff Council will review the Performance Evaluation Process including the Performance Evaluation forms on an annual basis.

3. Relationship between Performance Management and Pay Plan Implementation

The result of the performance evaluation is a critical component in determining salary increases both as part of and outside the pay plan. Each chancellor shall have in place for all staff a salary evaluation system, the results of which can be a factor to be considered for pay plan purposes. The salary review should be conducted in accordance with the performance standards outlined in Recommendation #9 of the 1992 Report of the Governor’s Commission on University of Wisconsin Compensation which states salary adjustments should be awarded primarily, if not exclusively, on the basis of merit.

4. Related Documents

Wis. Stat. § 230.37, Standards of performance and ratings
Wis. Admin. Code Chapter ER 45, Employee Performance Evaluation
SYS 1277, Compensation
SYS 1278, UW System Pay Plan Distribution Framework for University Workforce

5. Policy History

Reviewed by the Board of Regents, April 10, 2015