Services: UWEC Directory
Last Updated
UW-Eau Claire's Directory allows anyone to look up the contact information of students, staff, and faculty of the University. This information is complied by Blugold Central and Human Resources and lists a person's name, email, office, and office phone number.
Inaccurate Listing Information?
If your information is inaccurate or missing from the Directory, follow these steps:
UW-Eau Claire employees can request changes or updates be made to their profile on the UWEC website directory. This is a helpful tool when switching office locations, changing a phone line extension, adding credentials, etc. To request changes or updates be made to the employee profile, the employee, administrative assistant, or supervisor will send a request to Human Resources. Please include the employee's (updated) username, office building and number, and phone number, as well as any additional changes to be made.
Students receive an email at the beginning of each semester from Blugold Central with instructions for updating their contact information. If students find an error with their contact information, contact Blugold Central or print and submit a Name Change Form. NOTE: You must provide Blugold Central with legal documentation to prove your identity.