UWEC 1120.A: Requesting a Campus Memorial

Last Updated

Procedure #: UWEC 1120.A


This procedure gives guidance for the physical commemoration on the UW-Eau Claire campuses of individuals or significant events associated with the university. This procedure supports practice directive UWEC 1120, Campus Memorials.


This procedure applies to the naming of facilities, buildings, memorials and land owned or otherwise controlled by the UW-Eau Claire.


Memorial: a physical object, structure, or space created to honor and commemorate the memory of a person, a group, or an event of significance. Memorials can take various forms, including but not limited to: statues, benches, plaques, monuments, gardens, trees, and rocks.


  • Guidelines
  • Restrictions


All funding designated for memorial installations or recognitions on campus must be received by and processed by the UW-Eau Claire Foundation to ensure proper recognition and tax crediting.
In most cases, there should be a sponsoring department or unit, but memorials may also benefit the university. Contact the UW-Eau Claire Foundation at foundation@uwec.edu.

  • Building and interior room naming and memorials must follow RPD 19-14, Naming of University Facilities and Lands.
  • Elements within a public space within a department need the approval of the department chair and appropriate dean or director. Elements in a public space inside a building not related to a specific department need the approval of the director of facilities, who will communicate with the building coordinator.
  • The location of memorial benches, boulders and trees will be sited at the discretion and recommendation of the Department of Facilities staff.
  • Siting of all outdoor memorials must conform to the approved campus master plan and care shall be taken to reduce potential memorial relocation. In the event a project needs to temporarily or permanently relocate a memorial, effort shall be taken to inform the donor or family.
  • All siting of outdoor memorials must consider routine maintenance concerns such as mowing and snow removal.
  • The university will be responsible for the periodic maintenance of memorials.
  • The university will replace memorials that need removal or replacement. Memorial gifts such as benches, chairs and other site furnishings will have a replacement of fifteen (15) years. The intent is for the memorial gift to fund expenses associate with the installation of a memorial on the campus grounds but that in certain circumstances, the funds received for the memorial would support a substantial portion of the cost of the installation and/or replacement with the actual amount to be determined in consultation between the Foundation and the director of facilities.
  • The cost of memorials will include all initial costs of materials and installation.
  • Where appropriate the materials used to create a memorial installation should adhere to campus standards for sustainability.


If the request involves a living individual who has formally associated with UW–Eau Claire or has held a paid public office, a normal waiting period of five (5) years must have elapsed from the time the person has terminated their association with the university.
Memorial trees will not include a plaque or marker. All new memorial trees will be cataloged by Department of Facilities staff and be recognized by the UW-Eau Claire Foundation.


Practice Directive UWEC 1120, Campus Memorials
Regents Policy Document 19-14, Naming of University Facilities and Lands
UW-Eau Claire Facilities webpage
UW-Eau Claire Foundation website

Procedure Administration

Version Number | V1.0
Approval Authority | Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration
Approval Date | January 1, 2024
Next Review Date | January 1, 2025
Division | Finance & Administration
Department | Facilities
Contact | Director of Facilities | facmgt68@uwec.edu

Revision History

Version | Revision Date | Description of Change | Author(s)
1.0 | 01/01/24 | Initial Issuance | Troy Terhark