UWEC 228, Workplace Wellbeing and Remote Working for Academic & University Staff

Last Updated

Practice Directive #UWEC 228DivisionFinance and Administration Department Human Resources Contact Director of Human Resources | humanresources@uwec.edu Effective Date June 15, 2021 Revision Date January 31, 2023


State of Wisconsin | Wis. Stat. 36.115, Personnel systems
UW System | RPD 20-21, University Personnel Systems; RPD 25-3, Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources; RPD 25-5, Information Technology: Information Security; SYS 1227, Standard Office Hours, Legal Holidays and Other UW System Institution Closures; SYS 1228, Telecommuting; SYS 1230, Workplace Safety; SYS 1253, FLSA Designation; SYS 1290, Code of Ethics; SYS 1292, Workplace Conduct Expectations; RPD 21-8, Policy on the Annual Distribution of Tuition and Fee Revenue and State General Purpose Revenue 


This practice directive supports UW-Eau Claire’s commitment to achieving a national reputation for academic distinction, including through distinction in health and wellbeing. We are committed to making employee wellbeing a university-wide priority and want to ensure our campuses provide a supportive and healthy workplace. We also want supervisors and managers to lead with a growth mindset.


We will provide flexible work practices and support supervisors in creating an affirming workplace by:
  • Having a process for employees to request to work partial or total remote work;
  • Cultivating a creative work environment that promotes collaboration;
  • Being good stewards of space and resources;
  • Having a process to evaluate alternative work schedules and, if implemented, ensuring that customer service levels and work outputs are being met;
  • Expecting managers to operate from a place of trust and verifying based on quality of work and meeting goals and objectives;
  • Providing support to supervisors and managers to help them model, coach and care for the wellbeing of all employees; and
  • Providing training to support managing remote work, flextime work, shifts, and job sharing to maximize employee engagement and performance.

What is wellbeing?
We take a holistic approach to wellbeing. It isn't just physical fitness or eating well. It's about how people's lives are going. Wellbeing encompasses all the things that are important to each of us and how we experience our lives. Wellbeing needs differ by individual employee, but include:
  • Support wellbeing across the lifespan,
  • Support care giving and workplace flexibility,
  • Encourage healthy choices and practices, and
  • Support supervisors in creating an affirming workplace

What is growth mindset?
Growth mindset speaks to the underlying belief that a person has about failure and success. Individuals who adopt the growth mindset invest time and effort to understand why they failed and rebound from setbacks quickly, while those with fixed mindsets believe their successes and failures are inextricably tied to their personal identities. The key to improved management and higher achievement via the growth mindset lies with managers and supervisors focusing on process more than the individual employee ability and has quantifiable results for achievement. The elements of our growth mindset model include modeling, coaching, and caring:
Modeling means to live UWEC core principles and values and be a demonstrable example for employees. Managers should show that they practice growth mindset so that their employees have a framework for how to approach problems and recover from setbacks.
Coaching is about defining team objectives and helping the team adapt and learn to achieve the objectives. Managers should create an environment where employees are empowered to take initiative, able to learn from their mistakes, and can emphasize their potential to grow and learn.
Caring means that managers have an expectation and a responsibility to care. That means doing things like attracting and retaining great people, knowing each person's capabilities and aspirations, and investing in the growth of others.


UWEC 228.A, Requesting Remote Work Arrangements
UWEC 228.B, Requesting an Alternative Work Schedule
UW System Telecommuting Guidelines for Supervisors