UWEC 228.A, Requesting Remote Work Arrangements

Last Updated

Procedure #: UWEC 228.A


The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is committed to making employee wellbeing a university-wide priority and we want to ensure our campuses provide a supportive and healthy workplace. This procedure supports practice directive UWEC 228, Workplace Wellbeing and Remote Working for Academic & University Staff by providing a procedure that will allow employees to request worksite arrangements supportive to their success, as well as that of the university.


This procedure is limited to employees with an Academic Staff or University Staff appointment.

The Telecommuting Agreement Form may only be used for part- or full-time remote worksite arrangements beyond ten (10) consecutive business days in length. This applies to one (1) or more days per month on a standard and recurring basis.

Remote worksite arrangements as part of a reasonable accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act should be initiated via the ADA Reasonable Accommodation Request eform.

Intermittent remote worksite arrangements of ten (10) consecutive business days or less are permitted without a formal Telecommuting Agreement Form upon mutual consent of the employee and their supervisor/manager. These are unplanned situations arising out of transient circumstances (e.g. illness, weather emergency, temporary school closure, etc.).


See SYS 1225, General Terms and Definitions for a list of general terms and definitions.


Requesting Remote Work Arrangements

  1. The employee and their supervisor should review UWEC 228, Workplace Wellbeing and Remote Working for Academic & University Staff and SYS 1228, Telecommuting.
  2. Have a discussion with your supervisor about potential remote worksite arrangements.
  3. Complete the Telecommuting Agreement Form and submit for review (see below for steps to access the form).
  4. In most cases, the form will route to your supervisor/manager (“Reports To” in HRS) for consideration. The decision to authorize a remote worksite arrangement is at the discretion of the supervisor and subject to the review of the appropriate vice chancellor or their designee.Note: If the request involves a remote worksite located “out-of-state” or “out-of-county”, the decision is at the discretion of the appropriate vice chancellor after consultation with UWS Legal (steps 5-6 not applicable).
  5. The supervisor/manager should discuss the request with the unit/college director/dean prior to decisioning the request and discuss any concerns with the employee.
  6. The supervisor/manager should decision the request in HRS and communicate the decision to the employee.

Appealing a Remote Work Arrangement Decision or Change

If you are dissatisfied with your supervisor’s decision regarding the approval, modification or termination of a remote working arrangement, discuss any issues or concerns with your designated Human Resources Representative for review and possible resolution.

Accessing the Telecommuting Agreement Form

  1. Login to my.wisconsin.edu
  2. Click on the Forms tile.
  3. Select the Telecommuting Agreement tab on the left sidebar
  4. Click New Telework eForm on the left sidebar


Practice Directive UWEC 228, Workplace Wellbeing and Remote Working for Academic & University Staff
Procedure UWEC 228.B, Requesting an Alternative Work Schedule
SYS 1228, Telecommuting
UW System Telecommuting Guidelines for Supervisors
Telecommuting Agreement Form on My UW

Procedure Administration

Version Number

Approval Authority: Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration
Approval Date: June 15, 2021
Next Review Date: February 1, 2024
Division: Finance & Administration
Department: Human Resources
Contact: Director of Human Resources | humanresources@uwec.edu

Revision History

Version: 1.0

Revision Date: June 15, 2021

Description of Change: Original issuance

Author(s): David Miller

Version: 1.1

Revision Date: January 31, 2023

Description of Change: Updated format, simplified & clarified steps

Author(s): Tracy Drier