UWEC 228.B, Requesting an Alternative Work Schedule

Last Updated

Procedure #: UWEC 228.B


The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is committed to making employee wellbeing a university-wide priority and we want to ensure our campuses provide a supportive and healthy workplace. This procedure supports practice directive UWEC 228, Workplace Wellbeing and Remote Working for Academic & University Staff by providing a procedure that will allow employees to request work-schedule arrangements supportive to their success, as well as that of the university.


The UW-Eau Claire official work week is Sunday through Saturday.

Flexing hours during a work week is not an alternative work schedule. Flexing an employee’s work hours during a designated work week is subject to the mutual agreement of the employee and their supervisor/manager. Examples of flexing an employee’s work schedule are an employee working an extra two hours on Monday to leave two hours early on Tuesday of the same work week.
Alternative work schedule examples include, but are not limited to, working four ten-hour days per work week, or working four nine-hour days and one four-hour day per work week.

For alternative work schedule requests beyond two-weeks in length, an employee must initiate the Alternative Work Schedule Request eform.
Alternative work schedules may be discontinued with two weeks’ notice by either the employee or the institution at any time without cause. This time may be extended by mutual agreement or may be shortened either by mutual agreement or if urgent, exigent circumstances require a shorter notice period to meet an important interest of UW-Eau Claire.


See SYS 1225, General Terms and Definitions for a list of general terms and definitions.


Requesting an Alternate Work Schedule

StepAction1.Discuss alternate work schedule possibilities with your supervisor/manager.2.Complete and submit the Alternate Work Schedule Request eform. The form will route to your supervisor/manager.3.The supervisor/manager should discuss the request with the unit/college director/dean prior to decisioning the request and discuss with the employee any concerns.4.The supervisor/manager should decision and submit the request, and communicate the decision to the employee.

Appealing a Work Schedule Decision or Change

If you are dissatisfied with your supervisor’s decision regarding the approval, modification or termination of a remote working arrangement, discuss any issues or concerns with your designated Human Resources Representative for review and possible resolution.


Practice Directive UWEC 228, Workplace Wellbeing and Remote Working for Academic & University Staff
Procedure UWEC 228.A, Requesting Remote Work Arrangements
Alternate Work Schedule Request eform

Procedure Administration

Version Number: V1.1
Approval Authority: Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration
Approval Date: June 15, 2021
Next Review Date: February 1, 2024
Division: Finance & Administration
Department: Human Resources
Contact: Director of Human Resources | humanresources@uwec.edu