25Live: Overview

Last Updated

The 25Live Pro website allows students, staff, and faculty members of UWEC to search and book academic classrooms on campus for their events. The primary use of 25Live Pro is to create events on campus and it also allows you to make any necessary changes to events you created, manage irregular events, and search for rooms on campus. Take a look at the articles below to learn more about what 25Live Pro can do for you.

Please Note: Scheduling Services only handles ad hoc reservations for the academic rooms on campus. This does not include Davies Center, Schofield Hall, Zorn Arena, McIntyre Library, and outdoor classroom or campus mall spaces . These spaces are reserved by Event Services in the Davies Center.

Event Form

The Event Form allows users to create events and reserve rooms on campus for their events. The article shows the step by step process in creating your event, including the day(s) and time(s) when your event will happen and what rooms are available at those times. To learn more, read the Event Form article.

How to Revise a Booked Event

This article shows you how to make changes to an event you already created. You will be able to change the details you entered for your event such as the date(s), time(s), name, and location. To learn more, read the How to Revise Booking article.

Relating Events

If you have an event that repeats on different days and at different times, the article on Relating Events will show you how to create and maintain these events. To learn more about how to create relating events and what that entails, read the Relating Events article.

Room Search/Navigation

The Room Search/Navigation article shows you how to search for rooms on campus. This feature will show you what rooms are available on campus and the times they are booked.  You can also narrow your search and view rooms that have a specific features such as rooms that are classrooms, rooms that have blackboards, and rooms that are set up for Distance Education. For a step by step guide, read the Room Search/Navigation article.

Advanced Search

The article about Advanced Search shows you two different ways to further narrow and customize your searches. The first is by using a Pre-Defined search which allows you to search groupings including events you have starred or are a part of, events in certain buildings, and rooms that have certain features or layouts. For a more customizable search, you can use Advanced Search, allowing you to filter out exactly what you want. For a complete step by step guide, read the Advanced Search article.