UWEC 246, Nepotism

Last Updated

Practice Directive # | UWEC 246
Division | Finance and Administration
Department | Human Resources
Contact | Executive Director of Finance & Administration | humanresources@uwec.edu

Effective Date | October 1, 2023
Revision Date | October 1, 2024


State of Wisconsin |  Wis. Admin. Code ER-MRS §§24.04, Standards of conduct; Wis. Admin. Code UWS § 8.03, Nepotism
UW System | RPD 20-22, Code of Ethics


This practice directive and related procedure addresses the potential for conflict of interest when a UW-Eau Claire employee is involved in the hiring decisions and/or management or supervision of applicants or employees to whom they are related or with whom they have a close personal relationship.


Mitigating the risks associated with nepotism plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and fairness at UW-Eau Claire. 
By prohibiting favoritism or undue preference in hiring and promotion processes promotes a level playing field for all qualified individuals. 
Mitigating these risks also enhances public trust and maintains the integrity of UW-Eau Claire, ultimately contributing to our reputation for Excellence.


UWEC 246.A, Nepotism Guidelines