Technology: Events Calendar User Guide

Last Updated

Hello and welcome to the new and improved campus master calendar system for events. The following guide will walk you step-by-step through the basics of using the calendar as an event contributor or editor for your office, unit or department. You will find links below to  instructions for all essential elements of adding your events to the system, as well as other functions like editing, canceling and archiving/deleting last events. 
If you have questions and are not finding the answers you need in this guide, please email calendar managers at

Calendar user guide for event contributors/editors

Due to a maximum of 100 users on our contract with the Live Whale product, we have based user access/allocation and the group structure around the campus administrative organization chart. Each user login “lives” under a User Group in the system. For your reference, here is a link to the current campus administrative organization chart housed in the Chancellor’s website. Based on number of sub-units and history of event hosting, some groups will have a larger allocation of login accounts. Some units that have typically used an office email alias for calendar posting will continue to do as appropriate, allowing for student staff and additional users to have calendar access as needed. 
Please send requests for additional user accounts to Again, as space is limited within the system, your request will be evaluated by calendar managers if it space allows the new user login will be created. In certain instances, it will be necessary to make use of the generic login approach. 

The plan is for new user training (currently offered only online) to take place twice per semester, dates to be determined. To request online group training to supplement this user guide, please email

Getting started

Logging In

Open the calendar at the same url as the previous master calendar,  or by clicking the calendar icon on the top of the UWEC homepage.
There are two ways to log into Live Whale: 
  1. Scroll to footer to find login link (underlined in red below):
  2. Or you can get to the login via the orange Submit Event button at the top of the calendar. That form will also have a Login as User link at the top. 

*Your campus login credentials are your login to the calendar.

The Toolbar 

The LiveWhale Calendar toolbar is your gateway to all LWC’s functions. The “Toolbox” section contains most of these links; here’s what it looks like for a typical calendar user. 

Your user menu elements

Group: This is where the name of your assigned user group will be found (i.e. College of Arts and Sciences, Housing and Residence Life, Student Organizations, etc.).  
(*Some users might have access to multiple groups. To post from a different group than your login opens to, tap on the group name in the black toolbar which will open a "Switch to" drop-down menu of any other group you can access. Select and proceed. Just remember to always check which group you are logged into before posting the next event.)
Your events (blue tab): This is the catalog listing of all events your yourself have entered. If you are one of a few users under a generic office login, you will see all events already submitted under that office login. 
New + (yellow tab): This is where you will go to enter a new event. 
Toolbox: This is your access to all supporting elements and functions of the calendar, such as images, tags, uploaded files, locations, and event RSVP’s. 

Your events list 

Your Events List is the best way to see all your events at once. You can edit events, filter events by tag, date, or other criteria, and set options for several events at once. 
Events display: Here is a look at the Events List. See discussion of specific sections in more detail below.
  • Add a new event using the blue button at top.
  • The right sidebar allows you to filter events by a wide range of criteria to find the events you want.
  • The main events list lets you make changes in bulk using the checkbox at left (see below); add stars to events, and change their status from Live to Hidden; and see a variety of info about each event. Tap the event title to edit it.

Event basics

Customize your events

Advanced options